An enchanting, heartwarming anthology of sixteen short stories about family, friendship, and love features contributions from such popular Irish women authors as Maeve Binchy, Marian Keyes, Cathy Kelly, Colette Caddle, Morag Prunty, Julie Parsons, Jo...
Now this acclaimed master of suspense probes the dark secrets of a wealthy American tourist--whose love life may have been the death of her... She appeared to be walking on water--a haunting apparition that emerged out of the morning mist of a sma...
When the story of his father's death resurfaces after his stepfather, a former detective, writes a best-selling crime novel that thrusts the family into the spotlight, Gil sets out to find the truth, an obsession that has haunted him since he was eig...
You thought you'd heard the whole story? They painted the town green in the acclaimed international bestseller "Irish Girls About Town." Now "Irish Girls Are Back In Town" ...and their unique charm resonates throughout this high-spirited gathering...
A mystery is set in motion by the discovery of an extra coffin when a plot of land containing a small graveyard is sold off. This high-tension psychological crime novel moves between the locations of Dublin and Oxford....
In the early 40s, in war-torn Europe, a boy witnesses the murder of his girlfriend by a young soldier. Forty years later, by chance, he recognizes the soldier and becomes obsessed with destroying him secretly and from afar. That is, until the two men...