Paleontologist Kathryn Widd investigates a set of hominid skull fragments in the Kenyan wilderness and is drawn into the story of a 1908 safari and the British nobleman who died under mysterious circumstances near the site of her dig...
Paul Morgan, a much-divorced recluse, meets a wild and sensual young girl on a deserted beach and is plunged into a sexually dangerous liaison. The action moves from the raw Atlantic sea-coast to the African wilderness - and Paul is compelled to conf...
Revenge is an act of passion
Paul Morgan, a washed-up novelist, is wasting his life away in Zanzibar. But his luck changes when he meets Angelika, a young orphan girl, and her guardian, a retired British spy … Sandollar, the ex-spy, tells Morg...
Acclaimed composer Richard Turnbull, grieving at his wife's slow descent into schizophrenia, is notified at this crisis point in his life that his daughter Pia has been murdered in East Africa. He travels to Kenya to investigate her death. His quest ...