The universe is at war. Armies of the ruling Imperium struggle against the reptilian Xempsarillian Empire for control of known space. Lost amidst this backdrop are the Crimson Spiders: an elite combat force interested only in surviving the war. The S...
Chaos has come to the northern kingdom of Delranan. King Badron’s house is invaded; his son murdered and his daughter kidnapped. Badron’s desire for revenge pushes the north into a long anticipated war. Confident of neighboring Rogscroft’s invo...
Malweir was once governed by the order of Mages, bringers of peace and light. Centuries past and the lands prospered. But all was not well. Unknown to most, one mage desired power above all else. He turned his will to the banished Dark Gods and broug...
War has come to the North. The kingdoms of Rogscroft and Delranan are engaged in a bitter struggle that can only result in the total annihilation of an entire kingdom. Yet while the opposing armies battle, a new threat approaches that may tip the bal...
The crusade in the northern kingdoms advances at a frightening pace. Armies of Men and Goblins clash on snow barren fields, locked in the brutal struggle for nothing else but survival. One shall stand. One shall fall. King Badron has conquered Rogscr...
Some men are made in battle. Grelic of Thrae is one. A seasoned veteran of numerous campaigns and raids, Grelic is a warrior without a war. He languishes under mugs of ale and poor choices that eventually find him locked in the dungeons of King Rento...
Chaos rages across the northern kingdoms. Rogscroft has fallen, sacked by the combined might of the Wolfsreik and Goblin armies. Delranan is consumed with civil war as a small group of rebels seeks to overthrow Harnin One Eye and restore order. The W...
The Curtain of Darkness Falls Time draws short. All armies, both enemy and ally, converge on the beleaguered kingdom of Delranan. All unwittingly approaching the seminal moment in the future of the world. The ruins of Arlevon Gale are ripe with activ...
Blud Hamr in hand, Bahr and his mixed band of warriors begin their long journey home in the hopes of ending the oppression of the dark gods. Unknown to them, events are in motion that will forever change the face of the world. Armies have been assemb...
The Three have returned to the universe causing great carnage as their eternal battle for the soul of the universe continues. Beleaguered, the office of the Inquisitor General deploys Prekhauten Guard units to hunt down heretics and traitors in effor...
Light Elves. Dark elves. Dwarves. Trolls. A dragon living under the city who spends his time watching reruns of 80s shows and a Grateful Dead loving Giant wearing tie dye and forging weapons? Fantasy author Daniel Thomas never imagined the mythical...
Book III of the Histories of Malweir The Knights of Gaimos are legendary. The very best warriors in the world. Their kingdom was once among the most revered the world over. Once, but no more. Now Gaimos is destroyed. The remnants of it’s people sca...
Under the rigid guidance of the Conclave; an order of holy men seeking to bring back the glory of the time of the gods, the Order of the Inquisition and their Prekhauten Guard divisions the seven hundred known worlds carve out a new empire with the c...
Some men are destined for greatness. Most grind through life and are forgotten by the pages of history. But some men, they become the stuff of legend. Even legends go through Hell to discover their true selves. Aradias Kane was a child when he watch...
Tomorrow’s Demise: Paths of Salvation The Extinction Campaign has ended in miserable failure. What remains of the vaunted Imperium assault division limps back to Black Tide, suddenly eager to depart Helscape. Through the ashes of that battle come t...
It is the 23rd century. Humankind has reached the stars, building a tentative empire across a score of worlds. Earth’s central government rules weakly as several worlds continue their efforts toward independence. Shadow organizations hide in the m...
The war has begun. Legions of darklings, freed from their prison, ravage the Free Lands. All the Black Imelin needs is the Staff of Life to return to Meisthelm a conqueror. The Galdean army abandons their capital in favor of the Crimson Fields. There...
The Staff of Life has been lost for a thousand years. Imbued with the powers to dominate all life, the Staff can save or ruin the Free Lands. Many have sought out the Staff. All failed. Aron Kryte has served the Hierarchy for years, rising through th...
The Hierarchy is in its death throes. The High Council has been destroyed. Meisthelm has fallen. Killed in the ultimate act of betrayal, the Black Imelin no longer threatens the world. In his stead, a stronger, more powerful villain has arisen and co...
Lizette awakens to a nightmare, for her daughter has been stolen during the night. When she goes to the Baron to petition aid, she learns that similar incidents are occurring across the duchy. Her daughter was just the beginning. Baron Einos of Fent ...
Armies rage across the Free Lands. The Galdeans, led by Field Marshal Dlorn, defeated the darklings at the Crimson Fields and now head south. Dlorn and his Galdeans are the only force capable of stopping Imelin. Sylin Marth's quest to discover the wi...
The war for the soul of the universe continues to widen. Armies of former allies do battle on a hundred worlds in the wake of the assassination of the Cardinal Seniorus. With immeasurable power now within his grasp, the Inquisitor General sends his a...
The planet Rastarok has been forgotten by the universe for millennia, hidden by the powers that be for good reason. Deep in the heart of the world lies the strength for Amongeratix to take control of the seven hundred worlds and finish his long war w...
Welcome to Ghendis Ghadanisban. City of god-kings. City in turmoil.The god-king is dead! Whispers of murder spread through the city known as the Heart Eternal. Panic grips the city. Civil war looms as neighboring kingdoms threaten to sweep in and ste...
The flames of war continue spreading across the universe.Book 5 of the Forgotten Gods Tales roars into action with Under Tattered Banners.Amongeratix continues his crusade to eliminate his brothers and gain control of all life. Resistance stiffens bu...
The Lazarus Men are back!The Lazarus Men Agenda continues with Repercussions. A race across the stars to find a priceless jewel. Filled with seedy characters, reluctant heroes, and villains galore, this sci-fi noir thriller is a rollercoaster you don...
Return to the hidden world of elves, conspiracies, and a government agency desperate to keep it all secret.Fantasy author and Army veteran Daniel Thomas knows he's responsible for placing Xander, the most dangerous threat to both humans and elves, be...
Darkness spreads across the universe, fueled by the flames of war. Allies and foes are beset from all sides as they are drawn to the final battle.The Three have dominated human affairs for too long. Aloof with his misery, the Bloody Man laments the s...
The Elves Are Back in The Third Thrilling Adventure in the DESA Series.Sara Thomas' life has been anything but normal. With her husband off on a secret mission with Agent Blackmere, the last thing she expected was a rain soaked man showing up on her ...
D.E.S.A. (Department of Extra Species Affairs) Files is back for their 4th adventure.Daniel Thomas always heard there was no rest for the wicked, but he never imagined it applied to him. Fresh off his adventure in New York, Daniel returns to his norm...
THE FORGOTTEN GODS TALES DRAW TO A CLOSEHeroes and villains gather for the final battle.The last battle to decide the fate of humanity and the universe.Tolde Breed has fought a long war. Having already died once, he knows what must be done to stop th...
Let the final DESA adventure begin!Driven to enact a plan on reconciling the elf clans out of desperation, Morgen begins to realize it may already be too late. A shadowy organization known only in whispers as the Invisible Hand has come to finish a j...