The Konstantinov is dispatched to help quell the uprising in the province of Nokgorka, and Skymarshall Urik Antares is ordered to send ground troops into the city of Bahamut over his objections. The skymarshall's concerns prove well-founded, as the N...
Set in the latter days of the imaginary U.R.R.S. (United Republics of the Red Star), this critically acclaimed story follows the heroes of the Red Star as they discover their country's true intentions in a war against a smaller neighbor state; a reve...
The Hand - few names have ever instilled such terror in the very soul of the Marvel Universe! Elektra witnesses a mystic ceremony that leads her to the never-before-revealed origin of the Hand, the world's most deadly assassins! In feudal Japan, a si...
The saga marches on in a beautiful oversized format that collects the first three Sword of Lies annuals into a massive, 200-page epic! With unforgettable pencils by multiple Eisner nominated Christian Gossett, and extraordinary digital painting by th...
Christian Gossett's landmark series redefined what a comic book could look like, while the story's rich history and brutal world brought motion picture scope to the comics page. Now the massive tale is presented in deluxe form. Volume 2 collects issu...