Rooting for the school newcomer during student council elections, teen misfit and expert sleuth Cleo Oliver discovers that the opposing candidate is plotting to rig the election, and Cleo must work quickly to save the day...
While enjoying a Broadway play in which her friend's mother is the star, Cleo Oliver learns about a series of thefts that is giving Erwing Nicholson Theatre a bad name and pulls out all stops to finds a rare jade necklace. Original....
At Cleo's first "adult" party, the hostess's new puppy is dognapped during the main course, and when the dognappers demand a large ransom, only Cleo can capture the thieves and return the puppy. Original....
Harvest is a salient worldwide message. Our society is infested with every compilation of electronic gadgetry with delivery made into the silent, antisocial, interpersonal world of cyberspace and hence the child’s brain. Who would have thought the ...
Four of our favourite pastimes â€" sport, lust, greed and crime â€" are included in this satirical book. Take a humorous journey and see yourself though the eyes of Cat Vale’s cats. Join the cats on Feline Park as they compete for The Feline Cup. F...
Anne Scott has never housed her books in order of theme or author yet she knows where each of them is and the kind of life it has led. Some have been gifts but most have been chosen in bookshops unique in their style and possibilities. Gradually some...