In the dark universe of Warhammer 40,000, superhuman Space Marines, stubborn arbitrators, fearless pilots, secretive inquisitors and the massed ranks of the Imperial Guard stand side-by-side, each fighting their personal wars in the defence of a besi...
A widely varied, immensely enjoyable, and historically important anthology, Future on Ice is a showcase for the hottest stories by the coolest SF writers of the 1980s. Complete with a preface, introduction, and story notes by Card himself, here ar...
D'onne Ulanti is an outlaw and a maniac, known amongst the scum of Necromunda as 'Mad Donna', as her uncontrollable and violent nature makes her a dangerous and unpredictable ally. However, it looks like time has finally caught up with D'onne when a...
For millennia, Asdrubael Vect has ruled the dark city of Commorragh, crushing any who dare to cross him. His reach is long and his position unassailable... or so he thinks. Yllithian, an ambitious archon with the desire to unseat the tyrant, joins fo...
The eternal city of Commorragh has been cast into turmoil by the Dysjunction, a cataclysmic disturbance in the very fabric of its existence. As the streets are inundated with horrors from beyond the veil the supreme overlord, Asdrubael Vect, battles ...
The eternal city of Commorragh is no longer beset by the horrors of the Dysjunction, but the scars of its passage remain. Now the supreme overlord, Asdrubael Vect, strives to reassert his authority over the anarchic city before hidden challengers can...
Omnibus edition collecting together the Path of the Dark Eldar trilogy For millennia, Asdrubael Vect has ruled the dark city of Commorragh, crushing any who dare to cross him. His reach is long and his position unassailable... or so he thinks. A c...