A novel of both ground and space warfare set in the far flung future, On Silver WIngs tells the tale of a colony cut off from Earth's support when an alien assault severs their orbital tether and effectively maroons the colonists on a lush world wher...
Two years after the initial invasion of Hayden's World, the newly reinforced Hayden Militia is in a state of stalemate with the remaining enemy forces but neither side is content to leave things at that. The alien alliance has dispatched their var...
Beyond the confines of our small world, far from the glow of our star, lie a galaxy and universe much larger and more varied than anyone on Earth can possibly imagine. For the new NAC spacecraft Odyssey and her crew, the unimaginable facets of this u...
The Library would not burn. Dyna of Sparta would not allow it, on her life and her ancestors she so swore.An Epic adventure set during the Early Roman Empire's era of expansion and unrest. Steam Legion develops from a real historical crossroads and e...
The war that began on Hayden's World years ago has blossomed into a brawl across the stars, and yet that single and otherwise largely unimportant colony continues to be a central point in the conflagration. Human forces have pushed outward, now takin...
After an epic maiden voyage that introduced Earth to a larger universe -- and a cosmos full of terrifying new enemies -- Captain Eric Weston and the crew of the NAC spacecraft Odyssey have spent months cooling their heels under their admiral’s watc...
In The Valhalla Call we bring the Hayden War Arc that began in On Silver Wings to its startling conclusion. Newly minted Lieutenant Sorilla Aida has a new mission and new allies, gear, and support as she is tasked with a job that could ensure that th...
It’s been ten years since a mysterious incident in the South China Sea annihilated a US Navy destroyer and its Navy SEAL team. Only one man survived this horrific tragedy. Now, as more of these strange, supernatural events are happening around the ...
Deep in blackest space, the Drasin have watched humanity’s journey to the stars -- and determined that a species as barbaric as ours has no place in the cosmos. The wreckage of the starship Odyssey, once Earth’s greatest guardian, lies strewn ...
Earth’s survivors face devastating new challenges in the wake of recovering from an alien conflict. Battered and mourning tremendous losses, the once fractious peoples of enemy nations must work together to rebuild their shattered world―and preve...
The Scourwind family legacy brought the empire to the height of its power and prosperity and defended it against all enemies. Now one man’s machinations aim to shift the balance of power -- with violent and devastating consequences. When the tru...
The Hayden War has ended, and now SOLCOM and the Alliance are face to face in talks, but neither side has the slightest idea what happened in the ultimate battle of the war. Amid political jockeying and diplomatic gamesmanship, Captain Sorilla Aida h...
Battle-weary after a desperate fight to save Earth from the Drasin alien onslaught, Confederation Captain Eric Weston is tasked with a perilous new mission. He and the crew of the Odysseus must hunt down those who unleashed the hellish attack on his ...
The coup that won traitor General Corian the Scourwind throne has been overturned, but his ongoing rebellion has left the empire divided. Lydia’s birthright regained, she adjusts to her role as empress at war, while Brennan begins training as an el...
Defy the inevitable. Such is the stance of Confederation captain Eric Weston and the crew of the starship Odysseus, patrolling the outer limits of Priminae space, anticipating the Empire’s next attacks. Connected with the Terran FTL tech -- the tra...
A mysterious entity may be the key to a starship’s survival -- or a terrifying new threat -- as the Odyssey One series continues… The Empire has set its sights on its next target: human Terrans. As effective allies of the Priminae, the denizen...
An elite squadron must go undercover behind enemy lines in this thrilling new space adventure from the author of the Odyssey One series. Humanity has reached an uneasy truce with the Empire -- but unless the allies bring the fight to the enemy, ex...
Archangel Squadron faces off against the forces of the brutal Protectorate to claim a prize, and save humanity, in a gripping novel of deep space jeopardy by the author of the Odyssey One series. At the helm of a commandeered freighter, Captain St...