Sasha Davis, smart and pretty, was once an all-American teenage beauty queen. Full of potential, she was the only student at her midwestern high school to attend college on the East Coast. But soon her promise begins to falter. After starting graduat...
A provocative coming-of-age chronicle of the Women’s Liberation Movement, as seen through the eyes of a young woman who flees midwestern suburban life to find her true self in 1950s New York City Eighteen-year-old Zane IndiAnna feels trapped by...
Upon her arrival in New York City, Robin, a sixteen-year-old runaway from Maine, is taken up by Prince, a pimp, works as his prostitute, and becomes the substitute daughter of a bag lady who is determined to save her...
An insightful story of three women that wittily portrays the pleasures and pitfalls of marriage, parenthood, and being female in middle-class America After the turmoil of the feminist movements of the 1960s and ’70s, three women are drawn togeth...