Through Hazel Eyes is a journey of life through the eyes of Madison Ragnar, a high school English teacher who is struggling to recover from an emotionally abusive relationship. Madison s speckled view of the world is seen through her troubled students, a fellow teacher, an intriguing man who enters her life, and a haunting past. Yet everything comes into focus when she learns to trust in herself for the first time in thirty years.
Madison discovers that the most commanding role played throughout our lives is fate. There are times when we embrace it, times when we curse it, and always times when we are blinded by it. As a result of blinding fate, Madison s past catches up to her, and with the help of her students, she learns why a mockingbird is worthier than a diamond ring.
Because the iris is the tunnel to our souls, this is where we look in others to find unspoken answers. It is the whites of our eyes that hold our sacred secrets, and knowing that the iris will divulge all, the white remains pure. Madison Ragnar, Through Hazel Eyes.
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