Through Hazel Eyes is a journey of life through the eyes of Madison Ragnar, a high school English teacher who is struggling to recover from an emotionally abusive relationship. Madison s speckled view of the world is seen through her troubled student...
Journals are a woman's best friend...When Samantha Sounder quits her office manager job the day after yet another boyfriend breaks up with her, the emotional havoc of these two events launches the beginning of her new life. Samantha dives into therap...
Whispers: The heart s way of speaking Madison Ragnar is a high school English teacher determined to connect with her students, to finish the next running race with a respectable time, and to avoid ever falling in love again. But life has other plans ...
Journals are a woman's best friend...
Samantha Sounder quits her office manager job the day after yet another boyfriend breaks up with her, and the emotional havoc of these two events launches the beginning of her new life.
In the summer of 1976, Sylvia -- a young, widowed waitress -- receives a $100 tip. That same afternoon, her 10 year old son, Jack, is handed a brand new bicentennial $1 bill as change for candy in the town’s General Store. With piqued curiosity abo...