Embarking on a dangerous secret mission for Queen Elizabeth, beautiful, indomitable Skye O'Malley and her noble husband Adam de Marisco must leave behind their lovely, 15-year-old daughter Velvet. They have no fears for the safety of their youngest child, having entrusted her to her uncle's care. But Velvet is soon faced with trouble that no one could have anticpated, as she learns that the stranger to whom she was betrothed at the age of 5 will soon be arriving in England to claim her hand in marriage. Desperate to escape her fate, Velvet throws herself on the mercy of her godmother, Queen Elizabeth, winning from her the coveted position of maid of honor at the court and gaining the protection of her royal majesty.
But Alex Gordon, Earl of BrocCairn, will not be easily evaded. And together with his dearest friend, Velvet's brother Robin, Alex hatches a plan to win her heart. Since Velvet did not even know her betrothed's name, Alex proceeds to court her as any other suitor. Indeed, Velvet cannot resist his charm; but, when she learns of the deception, she is furious. Alex is sure of Velvet's love and knows that it is only her stubbornness and pride that stand between them, so he carries her off to Scotland and marries her.
Returning to England at Elizabeth's angry command, Velvet and Alex are joined in a proper court wedding, and seem destined for a life of passionate bliss --- until an affair of honor leaves Alex dying and a grief-stricken Velvet goes to sea in a desperate attempt to find her parents. Taken prisoner by enemies of the Queen, Velvet is sent as a gift from her Portugese captors to the Indian Sultan, Akbar, a gentle, handsome man who makes Velvet his bride and teaches her unforgettable lessons in the art of love. She has no idea that her family is frantic and planning to "rescue" her from what she has come to believe is the only passion that will ever come close to the one she shared with Alex.
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