Abell, Ron |
Tap City |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Akers, Alan Burt |
Storm Over Valka |
Science Fiction / SF |
Aug-06-1985 |
Aks, Patricia |
Lisa's Choice |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Alden, Elizabeth |
No Sense of Humor |
SD-225 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Alerding, Kathy |
Calling the Shots |
CER-355 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Alther, Lisa |
Other Women |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Anderson, Poul |
Brain Wave |
Science Fiction / SF |
Aug-12-1985 |
Arden, William |
Mystery Of Headless Horse |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-12-1985 |
Asimov, Isaac |
Last Man on Earth |
Science Fiction / SF |
Aug-12-1985 |
Baker, Madeline |
Reckless Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-1985 |
Ballard, J.G. |
Concrete Island |
Science Fiction / SF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Barbieri, Elaine |
Race for Tomorrow |
HS-177 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Barlette, Danielle |
I'll Take Manhattan |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Barlette, Danielle |
To London With Love |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Barthelme, Frederick |
Tracer |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Bartholomew, Barbara |
Child of Tomorrow |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Bauling, Jayne |
Thai Triangle |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-09-1985 |
Baxter, Charles |
Through the Safety Net |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Bayley, Barrington J. |
The Forest of Peldain |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-06-1985 |
Bird, Beverly |
All the Marbles |
SD-227 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Black, Jackie |
A Little Bit of Warmth |
CES-85 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Blais, Marie-Claire |
The Day Is Dark and Three Travelers |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Blake, Jillian |
Water Dancer |
SSE-256 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Blaylock, James P. |
The Disappearing Dwarf |
Fantasy / F |
Aug-01-1985 |
Boissard, Janine |
A Time to Choose |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Bourgeau, Art |
Murder at the Cheatin' Heart Hotel |
Suspense / S |
Aug-01-1985 |
Bowers, John |
In the Land of Nyx |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Boyer, Rick |
Billingsgate Shoal |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Aug-01-1985 |
Brandao, Ignacio |
And Still the Earth |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Brink, Andre |
An Instant in the Wind |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Brondos, Sharon |
In Perfect Harmony |
HT-70 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Brooks, Janice Young |
Glory |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Brown, Ruth |
The Big Sneeze |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Browning, Dixie |
Something for Herself |
SR-381 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Browning, Pamela |
Handyman Special |
HAR-116 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Burch, James |
Lubyanka |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Caldwell-Wilson, Marilyn |
Whirlwind |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Aug-01-1985 |
Cameron, Miranda |
Lord Cleary's Revenge |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Aug-06-1985 |
Campbell, Rod |
Misty's Mischief |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Carpenter, Steven |
Ribbons and Haywire |
Science Fiction / SF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Carraway, Mary |
Jill |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Carson, Rosalind |
To Touch the Moon |
HS-175 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Carter, Nick |
White Death |
Action Adventure / AA |
Aug-01-1985 |
Caseley, Judith |
Molly Pink Goes Hiking |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Casey, Jack |
Cease Fire |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Castle, Jayne |
Trading Secrets |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Aug-01-1985 |
Chandler, A. Bertram |
Kelly Country |
Science Fiction / SF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Chao, Evelina |
Gates of Grace |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Charles, Maggi |
That Special Sunday |
SSE-258 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Charlton, Ann |
An Irresistible Force |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Childress, Mark |
A World Made of Fire |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Clair, Daphne |
Dark Dream |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Clark, Kathy |
A Private Affair |
CER-356 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Clarke, Pippa |
The Puppet Master |
MB-2458 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Clayton, Jo |
Changer's Moon |
Fantasy / F |
Aug-06-1985 |
Cohen, Burton |
Nelson Makes a Face |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Collins, Jackie |
Lucky |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Constantine, K.C. |
Upon Some Midnights Clear |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Aug-01-1985 |
Cooney, Caroline B. |
Suntanned Days |
Romance / R |
Aug-01-1985 |
Cooney, Linda A. |
Alone, Together |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Cooper, M.E. |
Made for Each Other |
Romance / R |
Aug-01-1985 |
Craven, Sara |
Promise of the Unicorn |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Crewe, Sarah |
Windflame |
SC-281 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Cunliffe, Corinna |
Hand of Fortune |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Aug-01-1985 |
Cutter, John |
The Beirut Retaliation |
Action Adventure / AA |
Aug-01-1985 |
Daley, Robert |
Hands of a Stranger |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
De Blasis, Celeste |
Swan's Chance // A Wild Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-01-1985 |
De Felitta, Frank |
Golgotha Falls |
Horror / HORR |
Aug-01-1985 |
De Jourlet, Marie |
Windhaven's Fury |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Dean, Karen Strickler |
A Time to Dance |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Degrave, Philip |
Unholy Moses |
Suspense / S |
Aug-01-1985 |
Denker, Henry |
Robert, My Son |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Deveraux, Jude |
Twin of Fire |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Devers, Delaney |
Lucky's Woman |
SC-284 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Dille, Flint |
The Green Hydra |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Dixon, Diana |
Enter With a Kiss |
SR-377 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Dominique, Meg |
As Love Would Have It |
HT-71 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Donner, Florinda |
The Witch's Dream |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Dupre, Gabrielle |
Forget Me Not |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Duras, Marguerite |
Sea Wall |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Eastlake, William |
The Bamboo Bed |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Elliott, Emily |
The Best Reason of All |
CES-88 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Elliott, Richard |
The Burnt Lands |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Ellis, Wesley |
Lone Star and the Biggest Gun in the West |
Historical / H |
Aug-01-1985 |
Erickson, Lynn |
Some Distant Shore |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Estrada, Rita Clay |
A Woman's Choice |
HT-72 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Etchemendy, Nancy |
The Watchers of Space |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Etchemendy, Nancy |
The Crystal City |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Eulo, Ken |
The Ghost Veronica Gray |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Evans, Alan |
Dauntless |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm on the Goodnight Trail |
Historical / H |
Aug-01-1985 |
Farmer, Philip Jose |
Keepers of the Secrets |
Science Fiction / SF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Fast, Howard |
The Immigrant's Daughter |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Ferrars, E.X. / Ferrars, Elizabeth |
The Crime and the Crystal |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Aug-01-1985 |
Finch, Sheila |
Infinity's Web |
Fantasy / F |
Aug-01-1985 |
Flynn, Christine |
Remember the Dreams |
SSE-254 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Ford, Jessie |
The Burning Woman |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Forest, Regan |
One Step Ahead |
HI-24 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Aug-01-1985 |
Fox, Lauren |
Storm and Starlight |
SC-282 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Fuller, John G. |
Flying to Nowhere |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Gaddis, William |
Carpenter's Gothic |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Gladstone, Eve |
A Taste of Deception |
HI-23 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Aug-01-1985 |
Glick, Allen |
Winters Coming, Winters Gone |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Goldrick, Emma |
Thunder Over Eden |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Goldrick, Emma |
Daughter of the Sea |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Goldstein, Lisa |
The Dream Years |
Fantasy / F |
Aug-01-1985 |
Gosling, Paula |
Fair Game |
Suspense / S |
Aug-01-1985 |
Grady, Liz |
Heart of the Hunter |
SC-283 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Graham, Heather |
Sensuous Angel |
CER-359 |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Gray, Vanessa |
The Reckless Gambler |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Aug-01-1985 |
Grey, Millie |
Suspicion |
LS-104 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Gross, Shelly |
Stardust |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Guthrie, A.B., Jr. |
Playing Catch-Up |
Suspense / S |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hager, Jean |
Secret Intentions |
CER-354 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hale, John |
The Whistle Blower |
Mystery / M |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hall, Gimone |
The Kiss Flower |
Gothic / GO |
Aug-01-1985 |
Halston, Carole |
Almost Heaven |
SSE-253 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Handley, Max |
Meanwhile |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hardin, J.D. |
Hell's Bells |
Historical / H |
Aug-01-1985 |
Harper, Elaine |
Phantom Skateboard |
SFL-153 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Harrison, David L. |
Little Turtle's Big Adventure |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-12-1985 |
Hasler, Eveline |
Winter Magic |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hayes, Joseph |
The Ways of Darkness |
Suspense / S |
Aug-01-1985 |
Helm, Eric |
River Raid |
Action Adventure / AA |
Aug-01-1985 |
Henry, Anne |
The Storm Within |
HAR-114 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Herbst, Josephine |
The Executioner Waits |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Herbst, Josephine |
Pity Is Not Enough |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hewat, Alan V. |
Lady's Time |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Highsmith, Patricia |
The Mysterious Mr. Ripley |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hildick, E.W. |
The Ghost Squad Flies Concorde |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hohl, Joan |
The Scent of Lilacs |
SR-376 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Holder, Nancy |
Out of This World |
LS-103 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Holl, Adelaide |
Minnikin, Midgie and Moppet |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Holland, Tom |
Fright Night |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Holmes, L.P. |
Payoff at Pawnee |
Historical / H |
Aug-01-1985 |
Holmes, Marjorie |
Three from Galilee |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hruska, Alan |
Borrowed Time |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hudson, Meg |
A Gift from the Sea |
HS-174 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hunter, E.J. |
Horn of Plenty |
Historical / H |
Aug-01-1985 |
Hyde, Anthony |
The Red Fox |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Jarman, Rosemary Hawley |
We Speak No Treason - 1 |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Jeffries, Jessica |
Quiet Comes the Night |
HS-176 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Jeffries, Roderic |
Layers of Deceit |
Police Procedural / PP |
Aug-01-1985 |
Jones, James |
Viet Journal |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Jordan, Penny |
Fire With Fire // Blackmailed by the Vengeful Tycoon |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Kahn, Roger |
Good Enough to Dream |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Kary, Elizabeth |
Portrait of a Lady |
SC-285 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Kellogg, Steven |
Chicken Little |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Kidd, Flora |
The Arrogant Lover |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Kiesel, Stanley |
Skinny Malinky Leads the War for Kidness |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Killerman, Dan |
Hellrider |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Killerman, Dan |
Blood Run |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Klein, Norma |
Bizou |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-12-1985 |
Klein, Norma |
Love and Other Euphemisms |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Kotzwinkle, William |
E.T. Storybook Green |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-05-1985 |
Kravitz, David A. |
Who's Who in Greek and Roman Myth |
Fantasy / F |
Aug-21-1985 |
Kress, Nancy |
Trinity and Other Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Kurtz, Katherine |
Bishop's Heir |
Fantasy / F |
Aug-01-1985 |
Lamb, Charlotte |
The Bride Said No |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Lancaster, Lisa |
Capture the Wind |
Historical Romance / HR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Langford, David |
The Third Millenium |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Lapietra, Mary |
The Disguise of Love |
SER-21 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Lassiter, Adam |
King of the Mountain |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Laumer, Keith |
End As a Hero |
Science Fiction / SF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Leibold, Jay |
Spy for George Washington |
Action Adventure / AA |
Aug-01-1985 |
Levinson, Nancy |
Second Chance |
SWD-94 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Lewis, Shari |
One-Minute Favorite Fairy Tales |
Fantasy / F |
Aug-20-1985 |
Lindgren, Astrid |
Mischievous Meg |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-06-1985 |
Logan, Jake |
Slocum Rides Alone |
Historical / H |
Aug-01-1985 |
Longtree, Warren T. |
The Denver Duchess |
Historical / H |
Aug-01-1985 |
Lupoff, Richard A. |
Circumpolar! |
Science Fiction / SF |
Aug-01-1985 |
MacAvoy, R.A. |
The Book of Kells |
Fantasy / F |
Aug-01-1985 |
MacInnes, Helen |
The Venetian Affair |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Aug-01-1985 |
MacInnes, Helen |
Ride a Pale Horse |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Aug-01-1985 |
MacInnes, Helen |
Above Suspicion |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Aug-01-1985 |
MacLeod, Charlotte |
The Plain Old Man |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Aug-01-1985 |
Macomber, Debbie |
The Trouble With Caasi |
SR-379 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Magner, Lee |
Hidden Charms |
CES-86 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Mahoney, Tim |
Hollaran's World War |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Makris, Kathryn |
One In A Million |
SFL-154 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Malek, Doreen Owens |
Devil's Deception |
SIM-105 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Marchiori, Roberto |
Humages |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Markle, Sandra |
In Search of Graphics |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Markus, Julia |
Friends Along the Way |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Marsland, Amy Louise |
A Classic Death |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Masters, Dexter |
The Accident |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Mayer, Debby |
Sisters |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Mccourt, James |
Kaye Wayfaring in Avenged |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
McCurtin, Peter |
Blood Island |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
McCutchan, Philip |
Lieutenant Cameron RNVR |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Aug-01-1985 |
McDaniel, Lurlene |
Hold Fast the Dream |
SER-20 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
McDowell, Michael |
Jack and Susan in 1953 |
Suspense / S |
Aug-01-1985 |
McKenzie, Melinda |
Magic to Do |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
McLenathan, Louise |
My Mother Sends Her Wisdom |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Mclerran, Alice |
The Mountain That Loved a Bird |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-20-1985 |
McMillan, Maxine |
Race for the Roses |
SR-378 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Aug-01-1985 |
Meaney, Dee Morrison |
Iseult |
General Fiction / GF |
Aug-01-1985 |
Michaels, Cheri |
Defiant Dreams |
Historical / H |
Aug-01-1985 |
Michaels, Kasey |
The Savage Miss Saxon |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Aug-01-1985 |