In the high-stakes sequel to the acclaimed The Fog Diver -- which was named a Texas Bluebonnet selection and winner of the 2015 Cybils Award for Speculative Fiction and the Michigan Library Association's 2016 YouPer Award -- thirteen-year-old Chess and his crew must stop the deadly and mysterious Fog from enveloping the city of Port Oro and destroying their world.
Chess and his crew -- Hazel, Swedish, Loretta, and Bea -- may have escaped the slums, but they cannot escape the Fog that threatens to swallow the entire mountaintop city of Port Oro. Only one thing can stop the Fog: an ancient machine known as the Compass. And only one person can find it: Chess. With the help of his crew, Chess faces dangerous encounters and deadly driftsharks to unearth the hidden instrument. It's a race against time to save this sanctuary in the sky.
With adventure at every turn, peril behind every corner, and a few determined slum kids who must save the day, Joel Ross presents a fantastic world in this fast-paced follow-up to The Fog Diver.
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