Joel Ross debuts a thrilling adventure series in which living in the sky is the new reality and a few determined slum kids just might become heroes. This Texas Bluebonnet selection -- a fantasy filled with daring and hope and a wonderfully imaginativ...
In the high-stakes sequel to the acclaimed The Fog Diver -- which was named a Texas Bluebonnet selection and winner of the 2015 Cybils Award for Speculative Fiction and the Michigan Library Association’s 2016 YouPer Award -- thirteen-year-old Chess...
A thrilling new middle grade fantasy from Texas Bluebonnet Award winner Joel Ross. Packed with adventure and humor and filled with goblins, royals, and magic, this is a tale of unlikely heroes who embark on a daring quest. Boot boy Ji is tired of ...
From Texas Bluebonnet Award winner Joel Ross, author of The Fog Diver, comes the second book in his sweeping fantasy duology. Ji and his friends Roz, Sally, and Chibo have gone into hiding following the disastrous Diadem Rite, where they were tran...
Fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Wayside School will love this first book in a new, off-the-wall middle grade series about two boys -- one with the heart of a lion and the test scores of a baked potato, the other a shy boy genius in a bunny suit -- f...
Loveable prankster Alley and bunny-suited brainiac Rex team up again, this time to help each other survive PE and save breakfast, one mutant bagel at a time in this hilarious story that’s perfect for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Wayside School!...