When the good-natured Share the Lion, King of all the animals, sees his reflection in a pool of water, he gasps at the fierce creature staring back at him and is too frightened to drink - until finally, he learns to overcome his fear. Children learn through Share how to deal positively with the fears and inhibitions that so often arise from situations they may not yet understand.
This is one of a series of stories collected by Idries Shah - a Teaching-Story - used for hundreds of years in the East as an educational instrument to help children understand life. This story was originally told by the 13th century Sufi poet Jalaluddin Rumi.
Ingrid Rodriguez's beautiful illustrations bring the story to life with warmth and humor and a distinctive richness of detail.
La historia de Share el Rey Le n y sus amigos de la selva va a entretener y a ense ar a los ni os del Occidente como lo ha hecho con los ni os del Oriente durante muchos siglos. Esta historia proporciona una herramienta con la cual podr an superar miedos muchas veces causados por el comportamiento de otras personas o por hechos a n dif ciles de entender.
Cuando Ingrid Rodriguez ilustr este cuento les dio vida a los animales con humor y calidez. Sus ilustraciones muestran la gran cantidad de detalles nfimos, e inesperados, caracter sticos de su estilo de trabajo.