Perfect for fans of Shannara's magical world and the dark gritty feel of The Hunger Games, The Haunted Realm is a NaNoWriMo winning book and the thrilling sequel to young adult fantasy novel, The Labyrinth Wall (Dante Rossetti Award Finalist, Reader's Favorite 5 Star Rated, and Amazon Best-Seller).
In this riveting continuation of the Obsidian Series, Araina again faces a series of seemingly impossible magical threats. As Araina and her friends search for answers about their Creators and their magical labyrinth world, their journey becomes rife with peril when Araina falls victim to illness. Despite heart-pricking losses in the labyrinth swamps, vengeful ghostly attackers in the Blinking Willows, and many other dangerous obstacles, Araina is determined to succeed. If Araina can't solve the mysteries of the haunted realm and find a cure for her sickness, she and her friends may never escape the labyrinth, or even live to try.
"Readers will find themselves surprised by twists and turns and fast paced action." A Mama's Corner of the World
NaNoWriMo Winner