Araina's isolated teenage life is forever altered when she witnesses a man emerge through a rippling wall into the dark labyrinth she calls home. As a result of the stranger's arrival, Araina's Creators have unleashed a series of magical attacks usin...
Perfect for fans of Shannara's magical world and the dark gritty feel of The Hunger Games, The Haunted Realm is a NaNoWriMo winning book and the thrilling sequel to young adult fantasy novel, The Labyrinth Wall (Dante Rossetti Award Finalist, Read...
Beauty and the Beast is a treasured classic fairytale passed down through generations that explores the love story of a beautiful young girl captured in the enchanted castle of a frightening beast. Now, Beauty and the Beast has been creatively rei...
The Forgotten Dream is the third book in the Amazon Best-Selling Obsidian Series. The first book in this young adult fantasy series, The Labyrinth Wall, is a Dante Rossetti Award Finalist and is a Reader's Favorite 5 Star rated book.
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