A collection of connected science fiction novelettes.
Three prison cages, two impossible romances and several fights to the death. Two ships at sea, one in space and a space station. A dreamscape, a death scape and an e-scape. A secret agent, a hidden operative and a hidden power. Many mentions of Atlantis, the Golden Queen and someone who will not accept the name Miranda.
Immortality is the theme that runs throughout the sequence and there are reflections of emotions, images and dreams in every story. There are shields and fields. There is a Last Exit. There is a hunter in a nightmare wire prison, an invisible field around Mars, a magician imprisoned in ice, a drug that pulls apart time and space and an exodus from Earth millions of years ago that can still be witnessed in the future by characters in multiple dimensions.
In this, the first collection of Exodus stories, mysteries about the First Race sweep from the past into the future and their drive towards â€" or away from â€" the Last Exit.
***This collection includes the previously unpublished short story DROWNED.