Devo Mannix is an understudy to his grandfather, a world renowned sorcerer and magician. In the course of his training, Devo inherits a mystifying steamer trunk and a magical 1925 Rolls Royce Phantom 1 automobile. While on vacation at the Mannix summer cottage on Pawley's Island, South Carolina, Devo encounters a cat sitting at the front door of their cottage. The cat is persistent in his endeavors to enter the beach house. When Devo tries to find out who the owner of the cat is, a neighbor tells him that he only sees the cat when the Mannix family is staying in their cottage. An attempt to discover why the cat disappears and reappears only when their cottage is occupied leads Devo to an abandoned temple in Cambodia. Devo will learn the secret of the All-Seeing Eye and the strange history of the Mannix summer cottage and its former owners before he can solve the mystery of the disappearing cat. When Devo uses a neighbor's cat to assist him in solving the mystery, that cat also disappears. Julie, a friend of Devo, in an attempt to see the cat using the All-Seeing Eye, discovers a secret about the cat that leads Devo into a mysterious story about the cat and the origin of the All-Seeing Eye.
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