The excitement and mystical spells begins when Devo Mannixs grandfather, a world-renowned sorcerer and magician, inherited property from a deceased lifelong friend. The house and property is filled with secondhand goods and useless litter. Devo has a...
The magical bedlam begins when Devo Mannix, a sorcerers apprentice, volunteers his services for a worthwhile school project. Devo is the grandson and the apprentice to the world-renowned wizard and magician, Sargo Mannix. Devos family and friends f...
An accidental slip of the tongue while sitting in his magical 1925 Rolls Royce Phantom 1 automobile transports Devo on an unexpected adventure. Devo is accidentally struck on the head, suffers a temporary loss of memory, and forgets where he is, who ...
Devo Mannix is an understudy to his grandfather, a world-renowned sorcerer and magician. In the course of his training, Devo has inherited a magical steamer trunk and a magical 1925 Rolls Royce Phaeton 1. Devo encounters two spirits in his quest to ...
Devo Mannix is an understudy to his grandfather, a world renowned sorcerer and magician. In the course of his training, Devo inherits a mystifying steamer trunk and a magical 1925 Rolls Royce Phantom 1 automobile. While on vacation at the Mannix summ...
Chris Gallagher is an associate professor of engineering at the University of Cincinnati. While on sabbatical from the university, Chris signed up for an archeological dig in Ardche, France, so he could study the structure of caves. Professor Gallagh...
As a child, Alex Wilkerson grew up on his familys nine-hundred-acre estate near Plainfield, Connecticut. His dream had always been to just live out his life enjoying the scenic beauty of the landscape and roaming the hills, valleys, and streams of hi...
The brutal attack by an unknown assailant on the assistant manager of a supermarket leaves the victim in a coma. This is the second violent crime in this small community within a month. There appears to be no obvious motive for the attacks. The poli...
Wayne Thompson learns early in life that he must take advantage of every opportunity. Wayne, seeking to better his life, accepts an opportunity for employment in Tucson, Arizona. A stranger gives Wayne a ride as he hitchhikes his way to Tucson. The...
In 1868, Jarmon, a young African boy, and his sisters Kindra and Karla struggle to live after the death of their parents. Jarmon, in his spare time and in order to supplement his wages as a thirteen-year-old working in the African diamond mines, hunt...
Mary Griffin is unexpectedly drawn into a murder when she goes to pick up an antique gathering basket for a wedding she is catering. She drops to the floor, picks up her gathering basket, and makes her escape through the front door of the antique sh...
Devo Mannix the Sorcerer's Apprentice, Duplication - Book 9.Devo, in order to do his friend a favor, attempts to duplicate Julie's grandmother's book; Dreamer's Book of Bedtime Stories.Everything goes wrong when Devo's incantation not only produces a...