In the shadows, the balance is tipping...Alan's journey from a freelance forensic photographer to a key player in the police department is about to take a darker turn. Alongside his steadfast friend Jessie, Alan dives into an investigation of a money laundering ring with sinister ties to the Shades. But this is no ordinary case. The fragile peace between the Glints-angelic beings with a sinister edge-and the Shades is on the brink of collapse, threatening to unleash chaos beyond the shadow realm.As Alan and his Shade companion, Blot, plan a daring heist to recover mystical artifacts from a seemingly innocuous sandwich shop, they face off against shifters-humans twisted into monstrous forms by their Shade masters. With the help of a mischievous creature named Chu-chu, they must navigate a web of deception and danger.In a world where crime, law enforcement, and the supernatural collide, Alan must balance the scales before the impending clash between the Glints, the Shades, and a mysterious third force engulfs everything in darkness.Shards of Shadow: Book 4 is a thrilling continuation of Joseph R. Lallo's Urban Fantasy series, blending crime, magic, and the eternal struggle between light and dark.
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