The tale of Myranda Celeste, a young woman orphaned by a century long war, and her chance discovery of a fallen soldier's priceless cargo. The find will change her life, sending her on an adventure of soldiers and rebels, wizards and warriors, and be...
The second in the Book of Deacon series, The Great Convergence continues the tale of young Myranda Celeste. With fresh knowledge of magic and steadfast resolve to see the end of the war that plagues her land, Myranda sets out to find and unite the fi...
In this, the finale of the Book of Deacon Trilogy, Myranda and the Chosen face their greatest challenges yet. Time is running out, and the Generals are growing desperate. Through victory and defeat, reunion and betrayal, neither the heroes nor their ...
In a distant future, Trevor "Lex" Alexander was shaping up to be the next great race pilot until a fixed race got him banned from the sport. Reduced to making freelance deliveries, he thinks his life can't get any worse. That's when a package manages...
Following his last adventure, Trevor "Lex" Alexander's life has managed to return to normal. He's back to splitting his time between delivering packages and transporting passengers, along with the occasional foray into testing highly experimental equ...
Every story must begin somewhere. For the warrior who would come to be known as the fearsome Red Shadow, the story began in a forgotten glade deep in the land of Tressor. It was there that a pair of trackers, eager to retrieve a lost slave, instead f...
Superpowers have turned out to be a disappointment. Heat vision? Super strength? Flight? They are nowhere to be found. Instead, powers like photosynthesis or the ability to spontaneously change hair color seem to be the best the world can offer. To m...
The islands of Caldera are a shining jewel in a rather bleak world. A terrible calamity in the past had blanketed much of the world with a toxic "fug." Those who survived were forced to take to the mountains and the skies in wondrous airships. Life h...
Artificial Evolution is the third book in the Big Sigma series, building upon the story and characters introduced by Bypass Gemini and Unstable Prototypes. Lex, Michella and Squee are once again joined by the mercenaries Silo and Garotte. Along the w...
The Redemption of Desmeres is a sidequest in The Book of Deacon Saga. Desmeres Lumineblade always prided himself on his pragmatism, clarity, and focus. These qualities made him the maker of the finest weapons ever created, and even helped e...
The D’Karon Apprentice is the long awaited sequel to the acclaimed epic fantasy, The Book of Deacon Trilogy. It is a direct follow up to The Battle of Verril. It has been months since the Chosen finally defeated the D’Karon and the Perpetual War ...
The Redemption of Desmeres is a sidequest in The Book of Deacon Saga. Desmeres Lumineblade always prided himself on his pragmatism, clarity, and focus. These qualities made him the maker of the finest weapons ever created, and even helped end the Per...
"Seeking the Shadow" was published in the anthology Blackguards: Tales of Assassins, Mercenaries, and Rogues. About this story, author Joseph R. Lallo says, "In the Book of Deacon's setting, the Northern Alliance and its southern neighbor, Tresso...
Structophis is a heartwarming YA adventure from the author of The Book of Deacon, Bypass Gemini, and Free-Wrench. It is based upon a concept and artwork by ProjectENDO. In a small town in Colorado, Markus Spiros was just getting his life on track. By...
In a place untouched by the Perpetual War, a new conflict threatens to ignite. Generations of war have been put to rest. The D’Karon scourge has been wiped away. All that remains for Myranda, Deacon, and the other Chosen is the long, slow road to r...
Entwell Origins: Ayna is a spin-off novella in the popular Book of Deacon setting. Ayna Reedwind is of the most powerful wizards in her world, but such was not always the case. She began life as a simple fairy. In her earliest days she was...
Steam-powered airships rule the skies in a world blanketed by a toxic fug. Join Nita, Lil, Coop, Cap'n Mack, and the rest of the Wind Breaker crew in a steampunk adventure that will leave you reeling. Free-Wrench Collection: Volume 1 combin...
Beta Testers is a prequel novella in the Big Sigma setting. It's important to use the right tool for the job… even if that tool hasn't been tested. Garotte is the sort of covert operative a military sends in to tug at threads until a...
Rogue Derelict is pulse-pounding side-story set in the universe of Lindsay Buroker’s Fallen Empire Series.In the chaos following the fall of the empire, Benita Castor wants nothing more than to live a nice quiet life. She thought she made all t...
What would you risk to do what you were born to do?
Since college, Lex Alexander has had two loves. Hoversled racing, and Michella Modane. Everything from mega-corporations to robot rampages have threatened to keep them apart. Now, at long l...
How could a good photo-op go so wrong?
A perfect time-lapse of the lunar eclipse should have earned Alan some cash and acclaim. Instead, he came home with an invader in his dreams and a terrible feeling of being watched. Now his life is a ta...
One man's prison is another man's fortress.
Alan grew up believing that justice was as simple as throwing criminals in jail. He also grew up believing there was no such thing as a shadow with a mind of its own. A special request to put his p...
In a city at peace, balance means war.
Freshly certified for forensics, Alan is ready to do something meaningful with his photography. He's teamed up with his friend Jessie on the police force, and not a moment too soon. A serial killer seem...
Paradoxes and Dragons is a collection of ten short stories and novellas written by Joseph R. Lallo. These stories were originally released as a part of his Patreon, and represent the first full year of the stranger offerings presented to patrons. Hav...
In the wake of the Perpetual War, the world cannot afford for history to repeat itself.Myranda and Deacon have helped to guide their world out of the clutches of the D’Karon. But victory has come at a price. Deacon’s mysterious affliction...
The fug that poisoned the world has struck the Wind Breaker crew.After years of daring escapes and dangerous capers, it was only a matter of time before Captain Mack's crew felt the sting of the toxin that blankets their continent. They must split up...
They just don't make artifacts like they used to.In a world where arcane contraptions are capable of just about anything, running an antique shop is a dangerous business. No one knows that better than the Masker family. Strict rules and cutthroat com...
Some walls were built for a reason.Things are looking up for the Masker family. Fel, the adventurer of the clan, has stocked the antiquity shop with valuable contraptions unearthed during his journeys. Sales are strong, customers are happy, life is g...
Family business is always personal.Dangerous expeditions and clever business deals have begun to pay off, but with great rewards come greater risks. The unscrupulous Bolivan clan have been spying on Fel Masker and his family, accumulating dangerous t...
The bad news? You died. The good news? You have an extra life!After a terminal diagnosis, Jazz had nothing to lose in testing a prototype brain scanner, right?Wrong. Dead wrong.Now she’s locked in a digital afterlife called The After-Image. How...
What the nobles don't know can't hurt them. But how long can the Maskers keep their secrets?Fel and the other Maskers knew recovering the gifts of the past was worth the danger, so long as they could keep the worst of the bygone contraptions out of t...
With the sort of enemies the Fel has made, loose ends can be deadly.After narrowly surviving their last adventure, the Masker family knows there are forces plotting against them. Worse, a precious artifact is unaccounted for, almost certainly in the ...
When the world gets smaller, enemies get closer.For once, things seem calm for Fel Masker and his family. But the dark schemes of a shadowy mastermind are ready to hatch. Ancient foes are on the move in the Greater Lands. Uncovered secrets cast doubt...
Sometimes, time is running out. Sometimes, it isn't running at all.When Lex Alexander called upon his mad engineer friend for help creating a racing simulator, he expected to break a few track records. Instead, he broke time. To get the clock ticking...
“Sleeping bags. Toilet paper. Basil. Grated cheese. Whole wheat flour. White flour. Flour for bread makers. Red pepper flake…”Science awaits!When you’re kneading to hide out from family, the cops, and overly determined gangste...
Step into a world where the unexpected is the norm and the fantastical is just a page away. In this third installment of the Paradoxes and Dragons series, Joseph R. Lallo brings you another captivating collection of short stories that blend science f...
In the shadows, the balance is tipping…Alan’s journey from a freelance forensic photographer to a key player in the police department is about to take a darker turn. Alongside his steadfast friend Jessie, Alan dives into an investigation ...
In the shadows, the balance is tipping...Alan's journey from a freelance forensic photographer to a key player in the police department is about to take a darker turn. Alongside his steadfast friend Jessie, Alan dives into an investigation of a money...
Between is a new sci-fi/fantasy adventure from the mind behind The Book of Deacon, Free-Wrench, and Big Sigma. Philo Middleton wasn't having a very good day. It began with him waking up strapped to a chair inside a strange, high-tech chambe...
A new collection of stories in the critically acclaimed and international bestselling Book of Deacon Series. It contains 14 epic fantasy short stories, novellas, and novels released between 2015 and 2022, including:The D'Karon ApprenticeIn the afterm...
The Calderan Problem is the fourth high-flying, swashbuckling adventure in the Free-Wrench series from Joseph R. Lallo, author of the Book of Deacon and Big Sigma series. Several months have passed since Nita's last adventure in the fug, an...
Cipher Hill is the fifth book in the popular Free-Wrench series of steampunk adventures. Ferris Tusk has lurked in the shadows of his society since it began. His name is spoken with hushed reverence by the fug folk, and the balance of power...
If you can’t have good luck, you should at least have a good dragon.The princess has inherited the family curse. Plagued by terrible luck, it is all the palace staff can do to keep her safe from herself. When her father pricks himself with an a...
Ichor Well is the third adventure in the Free-Wrench Series of Steampunk novels. Ever since Nita Graus left her homeland and joined the crew of the Wind Breaker, the reputation of the airship and its crew has been growing. The destruction o...
When you’ve lived a life like his, the last thing you want is for history to repeat itself.Lex has teamed up with mad engineers, clashed with technology-obsessed terrorists, and faced murderous robot hordes. He’s even traveled through tim...
Dragons that hoard pillows? Legendary squirrel adventures? Sometimes short stories get a little experimental.Paradoxes and Dragons Volume 2 is a collection of ten novellas and short stories spanning the sci-fi and fantasy spectrum. A time travel fron...
For some creatures, running and hiding is the only way to stay alive. But no one can run forever.Sorrel and her twins are malthropes, creatures hated by the people of their world. Years of searching for a place where they can be safe has brought them...
The Stump and the Spire is a pair of short stories set in the Book of Deacon setting. Both stories in the collection were originally released in larger anthologies.The Stump and the Spire – Set long after the events of the Book of Deacon Trilog...
Temporal Contingency is the fourth book in the Big Sigma Series. Trevor "Lex" Alexander's life has been less than blessed. In the past year he's had to battle corrupt corporations, deranged techno-terrorists, and a robotic scourge. Now he's...