Second Chance
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Michael DeSousa, the anti-hero of Just Another Day In The Life, returns with a vengeance in Second Chance. After losing Caroline, his childhood sweetheart from The Bronx, Michael returns to Vegas and is once again at the beck and call of his mobster father Joey and mobster uncle Viny. Michael's new assignment; care for the two boys left behind by his cousin Anthony after Anthony escaped the “Life” to start anew in Europe.

Michael settles into a new home and begins the chore of raising Anthony's two sons and for a while things are good. Then word comes that his father Joey, the number two man in the organization is assassinated in New York City after a meeting with the labor unions. The mob world is turned upside down at the news. Fearing a pending mob war and that he's next in line to be assassinated, Viny sends Michael to New York to track down the assassin and kill him before he can strike again.

In New York, Michael uses old friends and contacts to begin the search for the assassin. The trail takes him across the city and when Michael makes that first connection to the assassin he discovers that after Viny, he is next in line to be murdered. The race is on to find and stop the assassin before he can make good on his threats. When Michael thinks he is closing in on the assassin, the tables are turned. Anthony's two sons are kidnapped and the ransom for their return is to serve up Viny and Michael on a silver platter.

Second Chance is a pulse pounding, action packed thriller that will keep you guessing until the final page. From first page to last, Second Chance takes you for a breathtaking and exciting ride.
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