Relaxing Tales for Children is the sequel to Sleepy Bedtime Tales, which introduced a revolutionary new approach to helping children sleep, which Dan Jones had developed over 15 years ago during his time working in children's homes with children who struggled to fall asleep.
Relaxing Tales for Children uses these same techniques, but the stories are focused on helping children to relax, rather than helping them to fall asleep.
Each of the eleven stories follow the same characters who were in the stories in Sleepy Bedtime Tales as they take on different adventures. These stories are ideal for reading to children at home to help them to relax, or to read to groups of children at 'story time'. The target age range for these stories is 4-7 year old's, although the approach works with younger and older children than this age range.
The stories have all been written to be read to children, rather than by children, so that they can relax and listen along with their eyes closed imagining the stories unfold.
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