Inside a seemingly-normal family is Simon Gates, a father and husband secretly plagued by his compulsive, adulterous lifestyle. While attempting to turn his life around, a horrifying event pushes him further into a state of secrecy and deception. Sim...
When tragedy strikes, her voice isn’t the only thing fourteen-year-old Carrie Roberts loses. Ashley, Carrie’s aunt, and Wyatt, Carrie’s neighbor, mentor, and boss, join forces to help put Carrie back together. Though romance isn’t part of the...
Hercules is a feisty young terrier devoted to his Mistress and afraid of nothing. His phenomenal nose-computer means he is employed by both the U.K. and U.S. governments to sniff out anything nasty. A loyal second-in-command of an extraordinary pack,...
"Outstanding. Majestic in its sweep, compelling in its storytelling, this is narrative history at its best. A thrilling dynastic history of royal intrigues, violent skulduggery and brutal warfare across two centuries of British history.' SIMON SEB...
This book offers a revolutionary way to tell bedtime stories helping to make bedtime a time of peace, calm and sleep for your child. Based on psychological principles and techniques, these stories will help to guide your child comfortably asleep. Th...
Relaxing Tales for Children is the sequel to Sleepy Bedtime Tales, which introduced a revolutionary new approach to helping children sleep, which Dan Jones had developed over 15 years ago during his time working in children's homes with children who ...
Poppy and Luka have a problem! They want to go to Grandma's house to play with their friends, Bea and Joyce. But they have so many chores that they need to finish first. How can they get them all done? Maybe some ideas from famous economists can help...
A chilling medieval ghost story, retold by bestselling historian Dan Jones. Published in a beautiful small-format hardback, perfect as a Halloween read or a Christmas gift.
One winter, in the dark days of King Richard II, a tailor was ridi...
A Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2023The New York Times bestselling historian makes his historical fiction debut with an explosive novel set during the Hundred Years' War.July 1346. Ten men land on the beaches of Normandy. They call themselves the Essex...
In Dragon's Fire, a gripping illustrated novel, join Hyland, a young wizard's apprentice, as he embarks on an epic quest to clear the realms of a malevolent force that threatens everyone's very existence.When a terrifying red dragon wreaks havoc in a...
"Superb historical fiction, as fresh, vivid and vital as this morning's headlines ... proves once again that nothing really changes, be it a soldier's life - or great storytelling." -- Lee ChildAN ENDLESS WAR.A BLOOD-SOAKED BATTLEFIELD.A BAND OF BROT...
The epic conclusion to the Essex Dogs trilogy, from the New York Times bestselling historian.[Essex Dogs reconceives] medieval military history as a swashbuckling Hollywood movie.—The New York Times Book Review1353. The Hundred Years' War ...