Welcome back to the Ugly Stick Saloon with this short story of approximately 5500 words. Join Charli in her first adventure.
Charli Sutton is tired of the same-ol-same-ol in Temptation, Texas and her job at the Ugly Stick Saloon. Her itchy feet tell her that if it ain't happenin' here, it's time to go back to Austin and raise a little hell.
Charli has every intention of packing up, until a sexy-voiced stranger calls her daring her to skinny dip in the judge's pool. The idea is crazy, ludicrous, and downright dangerous. Just the kind of dirty trick to get a girl's blood flowing. Add a cowboy in a black hat with a body that could boil the water in the pool and he's got one up on you!
Books visiting the Ugly Stick Saloon:
Sex Ed
Boots and Chaps
Dirty Tricks: One Up On You
Dirty Tricks: Two Can Play That Game
Dirty Tricks: Three's a Charm
Dirty Tricks: Four Play
Other books by Myla Jackson:
Moonstruck: Night of the Jaguar
Honor Bound
Duty Bound
River Bound
Body Snatchers
Jacq's Warlord (co-author Delilah Devlin)
Fit to be Tied
Naked Prey
Trouble with Harry
Trouble with Will
Trouble with Mitch
Witch's Curse
Sex, Lies and Vampire Hunters
Cat Scratch Fever
Thorn's Kiss
Click on any of the links above to see more books like this one.