Welcome back to the Ugly Stick Saloon with this short story of approximately 5500 words. Join Charli in her first adventure.
Charli Sutton is tired of the same-ol-same-ol in Temptation, Texas and her job at the Ugly Stick Saloon. Her itchy feet tell her that if it ain't happenin' here, it's time to go back to Austin and raise a little hell.
Charli has every intention of packing up, until a sexy-voiced stranger calls her daring her to skinny dip in the judge's pool. The idea is crazy, ludicrous, and downright dangerous. Just the kind of dirty trick to get a girl's blood flowing. Add a cowboy in a black hat with a body that could boil the water in the pool and he's got one up on you!
Books visiting the Ugly Stick Saloon:
Sex Ed
Boots and Chaps
Dirty Tricks: One Up On You
Dirty Tricks: Two Can Play That Game
Dirty Tricks: Three's a Charm
Dirty Tricks: Four Play
Other books by Myla Jackson:
Moonstruck: Night of the Jaguar
Honor Bound
Duty Bound
River Bound
Body Snatchers
Jacq's Warlord (co-author Delilah Devlin)
Fit to be Tied
Naked Prey
Trouble with Harry
Trouble with Will
Trouble with Mitch
Witch's Curse
Sex, Lies and Vampire Hunters
Cat Scratch Fever
Thorn's Kiss