From the moment Nadia is born, a magical and mysterious destiny begins to weave its web that will bring Nadia and her two older cousins, Lacey and Jillie, together. Together, twenty-year-old Lacey and thirteen-year-old Jillie discover they, and their newborn cousin, are destined to save their great-grandparents' farmland. By saving the farm in the present, they also save this very land in the past and in the future. Like her cousins, Nadia must face challenges throughout her life beginning with a childhood illness that leads her to a joy of learning. She is not the ordinary, average student. Her intelligence doesn't exactly let her be the silly teen and Nadia finds keeping or making friends is not easy. Unlike Lacey and Jillie, Nadia grows up embracing the magical and the mysterious destiny that was determined many centuries before her time.
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