After returning from a year of college studies abroad, Lacey moves into her grandparents' home that is right beside of her great-grandparents' old farmhouse. The old farmhouse is supposed to be empty, but Lacey continues to notice lights coming on an...
"JILLIE And Her Sassy Cat" is the third book of Laura Beth's family saga. Thirteen-year-old Jillie and her twenty-year old cousin, Lacey, have discovered they have a magical destiny and a mysterious tie to their great-grandparents' farmland. Along wi...
As the destiny of their great-grandparents’ farmland works its magical embrace, Lacey and Jillie are thrust into more mysterious adventures. Lacey has just graduated from law school and Jillie has just graduated from high school. The excitement and...
From the moment Nadia is born, a magical and mysterious destiny begins to weave its web that will bring Nadia and her two older cousins, Lacey and Jillie, together. Together, twenty-year-old Lacey and thirteen-year-old Jillie discover they, and their...
"LACEY And Her Tigers" is the second book of Laura Beth's family saga that began with "2 Girls, 2 Cats: A Magical Mystery". Below tells you just a little bit more... Twenty-year-old Lacey and her cousin, thirteen-year-old Jillie, have discovered thei...
Jake loves exploring the fields on his grandparents' farm. As early as five-years-old, Jake loves running down into the pasture looking for treasures, especially when his grandfather and uncles turn over the fields for planting. The arrowheads Jake f...
Laura Beth's seventh and final book of her exciting series tells how the magical and mysterious destiny finally weaves its intricate web to bring families together across time and save its treasured land forever....