In the first installment of a riveting new series featuring five young private eyes in a small Texas town, a network reality show arrives on the scene of a spooky and abandoned old hospital. This story follows the teenage girl detectives as they try to win the game and solve a real mystery too.
The series and this first book features exciting characters such as Lizzie the sarcastic girl with a plan, her logical and precise twin Sam E., J.J. the thin redhead with an appetite bigger than Texas, television lover and people person Becky, and cliché wielding prankster Amy.
It also introduces kooky small town characters such as Joe, a clumsy reporter with a competitive streak and a willingness to help the teenaged detectives, the elderly but nimble and secretively adept Mattie, and budding country music superstar Aly and her band.
The following is the prologue from this debut novel:
Like all good mystery stories, this one does not reveal the entire story from the very beginning. As our life stories unfold our previous and future cases will be unveiled. SPOOKED! was neither our first mystery nor our last. It was however, one of the most important cases in our long career as detectives.
When we began we were just amateur detectives. As we grew into adulthood, we all took up other professions but all of us still dabbled in the art of whodunit.
Reality shows were all the rage in 2010 when we were around 16, although four out of five of us really weren't big fans. But that summer a big network production came to the tiny Texas town of Lake Falls. The show dealt in fake mysteries, but a real one soon developed.
Mystery Madness
Sam E., Lizzie, J.J., Becky, Amy
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