In the first installment of a riveting new series featuring five young private eyes in a small Texas town, a network reality show arrives on the scene of a spooky and abandoned old hospital. This story follows the teenage girl detectives as they try...
★ From the Moment They Met it was Espionage ★Summer, 1949Haunted by a family scandal, Jenny Nicolay boards a train for a fresh start in Texas. The master of disguise charms her way into the heart of the small town. And the heart of the ha...
To Prove a Theory, They Break the World.After leaving the cut throat world of fringe science, Park Ranger Nate Campbell thought nothing could surprise him. Then he witnessed a vicious, unnatural lightning storm distort reality. Desperate for a...
They Broke the World, She Has to Fix It"Mom? We're... trouble..." The late-night phone call is every mother's worst fear.The trail is cold. The authorities abandon the search for her missing family. But Dr. Virginia Parish refuses t...
He's Nuts About Her But Hiding It. She Already Knows.Sawyer Finn is the perfect candidate for the Company. But he isn't prepared for a life in the shadows.Jenny Nicolay has been lied to her entire life. Now she's ready for answers.Foll...
She's little. She's feisty. Spoiler alert, she's not the killer.Move to Hollywood. Catch her big break. Become a movie star. Nowhere on Becky Robinson's to-do list does it say discover a dead body or become the prime suspect.Becky's first day on set ...
Without proof, the killer gets away with suicide.A house sitter is found dead in a ritzy California mansion and the police are eager to sweep her suicide under the rug. But when amateur sleuth Becky Robinson notices inconsistencies at the crime scene...
Murder's Been Committed on Music Row. Spoiler Alert, They Got the Wrong GirlIn a family of overachievers, it's difficult to measure up. Especially if you're a no-name actress desperate for approval. So, when Becky Robinson's country music star cousin...
A magician never reveals his secrets. And that goes double for the dead ones.All Becky Robinson wants is a quiet night in Las Vegas with her ex-boyfriend. Not a lot to ask. But when a magician ends up dead in the middle of his show, it's up to her an...
It's all fun and games until a jokester cracks up.My welcome home celebration is met with disaster. Someone stole our town founder, on Lake Day no less.After graduating from college, I decided to move home and find a practical job. Well, fear and my ...
Knowing where the bodies are buried takes a golden touch... and a bit of dumb luck.Becky Robinson and the gang are off to gold country to film the pilot for an old west TV show. But her arrival in the ghost town spells trouble when her dog, L...
The killer is making a list and checking it twice.A famous mystery writer goes missing at the annual Killer Clause convention and the police dismiss it as a hoax. But when amateur sleuth Becky Robinson uncovers a ransom note written to the tune of a ...
CLASSIFIED: Missing German Spy Found in U.S. CODENAME: Ghost/GeistNew Year's 1950A message from British Intelligence warns of a wanted German spy hiding in Lake Tahoe. He fled arrest at the end of WWII and now he's working as a dangerous hired...
Elvis has left the building... Check that, someone threw him overboard.Amateur detective Becky Robinson never wanted to set sail on the Elvis themed cruise. A cramped cabin on the high seas isn't her idea of a swingin' time. Neither is being trapped ...
Natural causes? A little pink birdie told me otherwise.What looks more impressive on a resume? Nosy amateur sleuth or struggling no-name actress? Neither one pays the bills and Becky Robinson has a lot of bills. So, when she's invited to the r...
Vacation with the characters you love from the Hollywood Whodunit series in a top-secret summer spinoff.Don't resort to crime if you can't escape in time.A free stay at a luxury resort is a dream come true until Becky Robinson wakes u...
When a stranger on a train causes suspicion, dial M for murder.Clarice Hitchcock planned to turn back the clock for her 100th birthday with a cross-country train ride. But a cozy family vacation isn't all it's cracked up to be. Especially when...
Vacation with the characters you love from the Hollywood Whodunit series in a top-secret summer spinoff.Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the lie.What's a girl to do when she's swept up in a Hollywood courtroom drama with an ove...
There's no such thing as a bad camping trip – only unprepared campers.Becky Robinson intended to spend her long weekend learning to camp, hike, and fish - all that outdoorsy stuff. But the relaxing getaway filled with sore feet and bug bites i...
Vacation with the characters you love from the Hollywood Whodunit series in a top-secret summer spinoff.Murder in a small town? That's how the cookie crumbles. A rise in tourism is icing on the cake.After riding the coattails of her fe...
A movie extra in a cornfield with a knife.When central casting booked Becky Robinson as an extra in a horror movie, she never imagined they would film in a spooky cornfield on Halloween night. Yet here she is stuck in the middle of nowhere wi...
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth...unless you're trying to solve his kidnapping. When a world-famous trick riding horse is stolen one week before the biggest event of the year, the team is desperate for answers. The police dismiss the case...
Vacation with the characters you love from the Hollywood Whodunit series in a top-secret summer spinoff.Solving this case might be her claim to frame.Over the past five years, the Sunlight Swindler has stolen priceless paintings in broad daylight wit...
Classified: Possible Double Agent in the AgencyIdentity: UnknownWinter 1950A cryptic message from an old friend sends Jenny Nicolay and Sawyer Finn to Dallas on assignment. The routine lunch meeting turns sour when their contact shows up with a bulle...
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the mallNot a soul was shopping, they're stealing from y'all.But do you recall the most famous twin sleuths of all? Lizzie is an underpaid intern for a small-town private investigator and Sama...
Secrets in a time capsule aren't meant to stay dead and buried.Lizzie always lived in her brilliant twin sister's shadow until she was elected senior class president. Now's her chance to be more than a carbon copy. Her first official duty is ...
Black Knight in the secret passageway with a candlestick.Amateur sleuth Becky Robinson is taking a break from murder to film a movie on location in a historic castle. But an ill-tempered tropical storm has other plans and strands the cast with a kill...
Join Becky on her summer adventure as she attempts to solve two puzzling mysteries!Red Herrings & Pink FlamingosNatural causes?A little pink birdie told me otherwise.What looks more impressive on a resume? Nosy amateur sleuth or struggling no-name ac...
Join Becky on her summer adventure as she attempts to solve two puzzling mysteries!A Hoax & a HexTell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the lie.What's a girl to do when she's swept up in a Hollywood courtroom drama with an over-the-hill lawy...
Join Becky on her summer adventure as she attempts to solve two puzzling mysteries!A Trick & a PonyDon't look a gift horse in the mouth...unless you're trying to solve his kidnapping.When a world-famous trick riding horse is stolen one week before th...
Hidden treasures can be deadly.The annual Spring-Cleaning Auction is kicking off in Lake Falls, Texas and twin sisters Samantha and Lizzie Brown are each hoping to snag a hidden treasure. But when a mysterious armoire is accidentally purchased by an ...
The fireworks started early but this ain't their first rodeo.The annual Star-Spangled Rodeo in Lake Falls, Texas is supposed to be a 4th of July celebration, but this year, bad luck is in the air. First the cash box goes missing, and just when the or...
Whispers of the Past. Mysteries of the Present.Beneath the surface of this idyllic Texas town, a storm is brewing. Graves are mysteriously dug up under the cloak of darkness, and local shops fall victim to daring robberies. The baffling part? Witness...
Whispers of the Past. Mysteries of the Present.Beneath the surface of this idyllic Texas town, a storm is brewing. Graves are mysteriously dug up under the cloak of darkness, and local shops fall victim to daring robberies. The baffling part? Witness...
Her dream house is a nightmare in disguise. But the leaky roof and termites are nothing compared to the dead body.After her first success in Hollywood, amateur sleuth Becky Robinson buys a fixer-upper in Lemon Hollow. But the discovery of a skeleton ...
A sweet feud turns sour, and the twins must find the killer berry fast.Lake Falls' Berry Jamboree is the summer's most anticipated attraction. Amidst the friendly rivalry, families are torn apart as they take sides, vying for the coveted titles of La...
Uncovering the truth is her game, but in Goodnight, Texas, the ghosts play to win.High school reporter, Samantha Brown has never been one to shy away from a challenge. So, when her editor sends her to Goodnight, Texas to cover a haunted football stad...
They wanted a feast, but what they got was a mystery with all the trimmings.Twins Samantha and Lizzie hoped for a peaceful Thanksgiving in their charming Texas town. But when Lizzie's boss, a seasoned private investigator, entrusts her with a bafflin...
In Hollywood, Becky is a rising star; in Lake Falls, she's a fallen one.Becky Robinson was on cloud nine when she snagged her first recurring role on the hottest television show in Hollywood. But just as she was packing her bags for stardom, her worl...
In the world of espionage, danger lurks around every corner, trust is hard to come by, and finding love is almost impossible.After successfully uncovering a double agent in their ranks, rookie spies Jenny Nicolay and Sawyer Finn are finally ready to ...
In a sea of bachelors, Penelope's dance card is a clue to murder.Dallas 1924In the wake of her husband's untimely demise, Penelope Van Keesler is coerced into attending a lavish ball by her meddling mother. With their family's fortune teetering on th...
The only thing hotter than the Texas sun is a sandcastle competition worth kidnapping for.The last thing Lizzie Brown wants to do on the 104-degree August day is participate in the Sandcastle Showdown. But thanks to her overly competitive twin sister...
Keeping up appearances takes on a deadly twist. In a house filled with whispers, Penelope's the one who listens.Summer 1924Decoration Day in a beachside Connecticut town is roaring with scandal when wealthy businessman Howard Sinclair's demise is sus...
Judges bribed, election tied. Every smile hides a secret hotter than a jalapeno.Welcome to Lake Falls, Texas, where the air is thick with excitement and suspicion. In the midst of an emergency election for sheriff, tensions rise as the two candidates...
Playing Cupid can be deadly.Dallas, 1924The last person anyone expects to meet their demise is Clarissa Braxton, the esteemed matchmaker with a knack for pairing Dallas' rich and famous. But when Clarissa is found stabbed in her opulent home, the cit...
If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.When amateur sleuth Becky Robinson lands a small part on a hit TV show filming in the Big Apple, she expects lights, camera, action—not murder.The notorious Unlucky 7, a group of expelled high ...
Murder on the Royal Rocky ExpressAutumn, 1924All aboard the most luxurious train route in the country. No expense is spared to pamper travelers on an enchanting ride through the snow-capped mountains. Penelope van Kessler, a stylish young sleuth emba...
The Hollywood Stars are Big and Bright, Deep in the Heart of TexasLife at the Twin Bluebonnet Ranch is already complicated enough with Lizzie's business schemes and Samantha clinging to the cowgirl spirit. When the cast of a 90s sitcom books the dude...
When the clock strikes murder, it's a night to die for.Dallas, 1924Fashionable detective Penelope van Kessler is working her final case with the Heist Society. They just don't know it yet. When a friend of her late husband offers her a job as St. Lou...
Murder is the guest no one expected this Christmas.Bellbrooke Abbey, 1924When Penelope van Kessler and her Heist Society team are summoned to England to investigate Lord Bellbrooke's mysterious disappearance, they expect a routine case. But upon arri...
Rolling hills, ghostly mists, and a royal twist. A dance with death lurks beneath the English fog.In the enchanting English countryside of 1950, a chilling mystery unfolds. CIA agents Jenny Nicolay and Sawyer Finn find themselves fish out of water as...
In a town famous for healing waters, one sip could mean murder.Mineral Wells, Texas, 1924Lady Anne Worthington, an English countess and brilliant inventor, has been shipped to America to find a wealthy oilman husband. But the independent Lady ...
Becky hasn't even had time to unpack when the Robinson Family Detective Agency assigns her next case - an undercover assignment with a fashion guru who makes Meryl Streep look like Mr. Rogers.-----------------------------------Devil Wea...
Diamonds are forever. They're a girl's best friend. Until you're the one accused of stealing them.Summer in Texas means two things: blistering heat and competitive softball. For twin sisters Samantha and Lizzie Brown, the Lake Falls Panthers' ...
Forget icebergs—on this voyage, murder is just the tip of the icepick.RMS Oceanic, New Year's Eve, 1924Private Investigator Penelope van Keesler is ready to ring in the new year with elegance and adventure aboard the luxurious RMS Oceanic. Wit...
Coming Soon----------------------------------------------Dig Two Graves is the seventh installment in the Spies of Texas historical mystery series.Cozy Mystery meets Espionage Adventure. If you enjoy witty banter, quirky towns folk, and unexpected pl...
Riding into danger, one clue at a time. The wild west just got cozier.At Blue Lagoon Cowboy Camp in the heart of Texas, twin sisters Samantha and Lizzie Brown are gearing up to teach a group of kids how to rope, ride, and embrace the cowboy way. But ...