A Steampunk Fantasy Novel -- The story of a Leonardo da Vinci airship that could have changed history!
In 2011, in the Swiss Alpine village of Appenzell, a local banker, Messr. Didier Allenbach, inherited the meager estate of his uncle, Peter Gunld Gensler. The “estate” consisted of little more than a moldering trunk full of antique books which had been found in the old man's attic. Among these works was a small antique diary belonging to a distant relative by the name of Lukas Fluck. Apparently Messr. Gensler had never bothered to read the diary as it was scripted in a long forgotten, Italian provincial dialect. Didier Allenbach, however (working on a hunch), took the diary to a linguistic specialist who proceeded to translate one of the most astounding tales in history. Essentially, the story was a firsthand account by first mate Lukas Fluck that may be summarized as follows:
In 1478 King Louis XI of France commissioned 26 year old Leonardo da Vinci to build a trade vehicle capable of traveling the quickest and most direct route from Naples to Paris -- a machine not only capable of traversing land, sea, and air, but also able to withstand assault from marauding armies, pernicious sorcerers, and nature's fury. In light of existing technology, it was an impossible task. Leonardo however -- desperate to establish his fame and fortune -- accepted the challenge with youthful vigor. He not only built the craft, but set out to prove its merit by commanding its crew the entire length of the designated route. The whole affair ended in utter disaster.
Still, the trade vehicle Leonardo invented was arguably his most brilliant creation. It was described in minute detail in one of his acclaimed notebooks. Unfortunately, this notebook is one of the many which failed to survive the ravages of time. Nonetheless, historians now agree, had this invention not been completely destroyed, it would have propelled the 15th Century directly into the 20th. Lukas Fluck wrote that those involved in Leonardo's mind-staggering journey dubbed his vessel “The Machine of God.”
Perhaps even more interesting is the fact that Fluck tells us Leonardo partook in several such enterprises during his lifetime. Historians, to date, know little of any of them. It is this author's stated mission to unearth and publish said tales beginning with this, Book One, which has been composed from Fluck's diary and known historical data.
~ D.A. Metrov JANUARY 6, 2012
Machinepunk for the New Renaissance--This rollicking, yet intelligent yarn will appeal to boys (of all ages), and the women who love them. Readers looking for the best Young Adult Fantasy and particularly Steampunk fiction books will want to take note: D. A. Metrov not only writes with passion and sensual detail, but with a wink to current day issues. His heroic characters are defenders of Mother Nature. On a deeper level, they have an innate alliance with a mysterious, Spiritual Force -- the same Force that created the Universe. Metrov's unique blend of epic fantasy, steampunk, fantastic Renaissance inventions, and metaphysics draws the reader ever deeper into a remarkable new realm of historical fantasy literature. His background as a film director, screenwriter, and fine arts painter adds fresh cinematic scope to his unique brand of young adult storytelling. If you love anything Renaissance, or historical fiction, J.R.R. Tolkein, LORD OF THE RINGS, dragon stories, steampunk, compelling characters, strong female counterparts, and wicked, mechanical inventions, you will very likely add MACHINE OF GOD to your best young adult fiction list.