The Time Card series follows the adventures and fortunes of three friends â€" Blue, Jesse, and Ellie â€" as they use the contents of their newly found case to travel to diverse and exotic places. Their middle school studies come alive as they interact with historical figures of their country and the world, while at the same time struggling to not change the time-line or upset the course of history. Trying to hide the case from present day bullies, the friends try to stay one step ahead of their arch enemies Ryan Johnson and Jake Barker, not to mention sinister otherworld forces who are determined to find the time card. In episode 4, Tam Harnik, the pilot from afar continues his search for the missing Time Card case. He tries to remain undetected in the small town of St. Andrews by melting in with the general population. Ellie has a school paper due and talks Blue and Jesse into using the time card to gather research at Harvard. The kids run into trouble when Harvard security questions why three kids are on campus and Ellie tells them the truth. Blue and Jesse have to rescue her from the flabbergasted adults.
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