The Time Card series follows the adventures and fortunes of three friends â€" Blue, Jesse, and Ellie â€" as they use the contents of their newly found case to travel to diverse and exotic places. Their middle school studies come alive as they interac...
The Time Card series follows the adventures and fortunes of three friends â€" Blue, Jesse, and Ellie â€" as they use the contents of their newly found case to travel to diverse and exotic places. Their middle school studies come alive as they interac...
The Time Card series follows the adventures and fortunes of three friends â€" Blue, Jesse, and Ellie â€" as they use the contents of their newly found case to travel to diverse and exotic places. Their middle school studies come alive as they interac...
The Time Card series follows the adventures and fortunes of three friends â€" Blue, Jesse, and Ellie â€" as they use the contents of their newly found case to travel to diverse and exotic places. Their middle school studies come alive as they interac...
The Time Card series follows the adventures and fortunes of three friends â€" Blue, Jesse, and Ellie â€" as they use the contents of their newly found case to travel to diverse and exotic places. Their middle school studies come alive as they interac...