Halloween is rapidly approaching. In the chill of late October, three childhood friends gather in the forest to partake in a dangerous rite: David Sullivan and Alec McLean, who once walked the world of Faerie...and young Aikin Daniels, a “Mighty Hunter” desperate to join the select brotherhood of those who have trod the Straight Tracks. In the moonlight, in separate dreams, their quests are revealed to them -- enticing each into the Otherworlds with promises of glorious adventure, lost love regained...and vengeance. But All Hallows is no time for a group of inquisitive college students to be traipsing back and forth across forbidden borders. For this Samhain night is owned by a dark and hideous power older than Faerie itself -- an irresistible force that combs the Tracks in search of blood and souls. Only the dawn can save those whom he pursues -- an eternity for David, Alec, Aikin and their friend Liz Hughes, who find themselves at the mercy of unrestrained chaos in a perilous, uncertain place. But suddenly there is no escape -- not even in their own familiar mortal realm of cars and friends and rock 'n' roll. For the World Walls are breaking down -- and can no longer restrain the terrible mad ride of the Wild Hunt.
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