‘Baby Come Back' is the final installment in the 'Baby Series'. This novella follows Trey's brother Tristan and Ty's best friend Gina. It is written from Gina's point of view, providing insight into her past and secrets that she has shared with no one. Unfortunately, events unfold which force Gina to come to terms with unresolved issues from her past that have hindered her ability to love and trust unconditionally. Tristan also has something to share with Gina as their relationship reaches a new level. This story overlaps with ‘Baby Love' (book 2) and ‘Be My Baby' (book 3). It mainly focuses on the events of Gina and Tristan, but manages to shed light and further clarify Trey and Ty's story, wrapping up the series about the Sinclairs.This book is intended for mature audiences.
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