New Books List: 175 titles


Black Flame Lynn Abbey May-01-1980

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Racing in Her Blood Millys N. Altman May-01-1980

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Legend of Hatred Alix Andre May-01-1980

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Sicilian Summer Elizabeth Ashton May-09-1980

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Barnaby Shrew, Black Dan and the Mighty Wedgwood Steve Augarde May-01-1980

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Mr. Right Carolyn Banks May-01-1980

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Tangled Butterfly Marion Dane Bauer May-01-1980

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Beyond Heaven's River Greg Bear May-01-1980

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Captive Heart Patti Beckman May-01-1980

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Fall of Fortresses Elmer Bendiner May-12-1980

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The School Book Anne Bernays May-01-1980

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Half a World Away Gloria Bevan May-09-1980

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Star Fall David Bischoff May-1980

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Goldsmith's Row Sheila Bishop May-01-1980

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Miranda Leonora Blythe May-12-1980

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Seventh Avenue Norman Bogner May-01-1980

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Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury May-12-1980

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Space on My Hands Fredric Brown May-01-1980

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The Umbrella-Maker's Daughter Janet Caird May-01-1980

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A Hangman for Paradise Jack Canon May-01-1980

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Shadow and Sun Mary Carroll May-01-1980

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Scandal of Falconhurst Ashley Carter May-12-1980

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And Next the King Nick Carter May-01-1980

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Bucks Peter Chandler May-01-1980

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The Sensitive Woman Sandra Chandler May-01-1980

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The Saint Steps In Leslie Charteris May-01-1980

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Rules of the Game Elaine Raco Chase May-01-1980

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The Gamester Elizabeth Chater May-01-1980

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Love in Exile Blanche Chenier May-01-1980

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The Cradle Will Fall Mary Higgins Clark May-01-1980

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Cross Current C. Terry Cline May-01-1980

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Trespassers Andrew Coburn May-01-1980

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Revenge of the Incredible Dr. Rancid and His Youthful Assistant, Jeffrey Ellen Conford May-01-1980

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Katya Lucy Cores May-01-1980

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Lord Deverill's Heir Catherine Coulter May-06-1980

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Heart of Honor Caroline Courtney May-01-1980

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Lord of the High Lonesome Janet Dailey May-01-1980

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Bridal Black Dorothy Daniels May-01-1980

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The Power Eaters Diana Davenport May-12-1980

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The Chelsea Murders Lionel Davidson May-01-1980

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Walking on Air Pierre Delattre May-01-1980

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The House on Prague Street Hanna Demetz May-01-1980

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Games at Twilight Anita Desai May-01-1980

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Deep Six Martin Dibner May-01-1980

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Seven Gothic Tales Isak Dinesen May-12-1980

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The Pentagon Spy Franklin W. Dixon May-01-1980

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The Apeman's Secret Franklin W. Dixon May-01-1980

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Fair Wind of Love Barbara Douglas May-01-1980

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The Adventures of Holly Hobbie Richard S. Dubelman May-01-1980

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Changing of the Guard John Ehle May-01-1980

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Close Combat Jack Ehrlich May-01-1980

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Double Folly Marnie Ellingson May-01-1980

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Rough Justice Janine Ellis May-01-1980

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Longarm at Robbers Roost Tabor Evans May-01-1980

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The Night Raiders Hal G. Evarts May-01-1980

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Lord of the Trees, the Mad Goblin Philip Jose Farmer May-01-1980

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Cachalot Alan Dean Foster May-01-1980

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The Andreasson Affair Raymond E. Fowler May-23-1980

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The Stone Anthea Fraser May-01-1980

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To Stalk a Killer Caroline Gayet May-01-1980

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Fools Gamble Scott Gibbons May-01-1980

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The Empire Strikes Back Donald F. Glut May-01-1980

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The Passionate Savage Constance Gluyas May-01-1980

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Path of Desire Ellen Goforth May-01-1980

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Amphigorey Too Edward Gorey May-08-1980

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A Private Vendetta Roderick Grant May-01-1980

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Both Sides of the Coin Georgina Grey May-01-1980

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Robber's Trail Zane Grey May-01-1980

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Passion Star Julia Grice May-01-1980

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Stormy Masquerade Anne Hampson May-01-1980

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Payment in Full Anne Hampson May-01-1980

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How Thunder and Lightning Came to Be: A Choctaw Legend Beatrice Orcutt Harrell May-01-1980

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So Wild a Rose Virginia L. Hart May-01-1980

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Ride South! Cynthia Haseloff May-01-1980

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The Conservatory Phyllis Hastings May-01-1980

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Dead Man's Range Ernest Haycox May-01-1980

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Green Gods N.C. Henneberg May-01-1980

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Yellowstone Kelly Will Henry May-01-1980

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Passion's Blazing Triumph Melissa Hepburne May-01-1980

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Solo Jack Higgins May-01-1980

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The Anathema Stone John Buxton Hilton May-01-1980

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The Little Scottish Ghost Franz Hohler May-01-1980

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Sins of the Fathers Susan Howatch May-01-1980

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Scott and Amundsen Roland Hunter May-25-1980

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Ladies of the Valley Herbert Kastle May-01-1980

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Ghostflight William Katz May-01-1980

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The 81st Site Tony Kenrick May-01-1980

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Four Days Paddy Kitchen May-01-1980

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Clone Rebellion Evelyn leif May-01-1980

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Midsummer Bride Mary Lewis May-01-1980

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Prisoner in Paradise Marjorie Lewty May-01-1980

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A Tolkien Compass Jared Lobdell May-12-1980

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Autumn Street Lois Lowry May-20-1980

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Maria Elena Valentina Luellen May-01-1980

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The Wild Quarry Giles A. Lutz May-01-1980

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Love Is Not Enough Ruth Lyons May-01-1980

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The Boy Who Looked Like Shirley Temple Bill Mahan May-01-1980

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A Regency Match Elizabeth Mansfield May-01-1980

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The Brezhnev Memo Morton Marcus May-01-1980

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Eating Cake Meredith Marsh May-12-1980

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The Peacock Bed Joanne Marshall May-01-1980

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Barbary Bounty Melissa Masters May-01-1980

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Whisper of Darkness Anne Mather May-01-1980

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Love's Sweet Agony Patricia Matthews May-01-1980

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Ghosts Ed McBain May-01-1980

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The Games of 'Eighty W.H. Mefford May-01-1980

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Heartsong Kristin Michaels May-01-1980

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Assignment : Burma Lee O. Miller May-01-1980

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Charlotte Bronte Helene Moglen May-01-1980

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Trackdown Arthur Moore May-01-1980

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Blood Rites Barry Nazarian May-06-1980

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Caroline's Waterloo Betty Neels May-09-1980

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Treacherous Mission Denise Noel May-01-1980

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Lion of Islam Howard L. Oleck May-01-1980

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The Elusive Marriage Patricia Ormsby May-01-1980

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Eruption Paul Patchick May-01-1980

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Pursuit Lewis B. Patten May-01-1980

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Virgin James Patterson May-01-1980

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Liars and Tyrants and People Who Turn Blue Barbara Paul May-01-1980

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Spanish Masquerade Jane Peart May-01-1980

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Pieface and Daphne Lila Perl May-01-1980

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Trap for Perseus Ludek Pesek May-01-1980

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Crossing the Water Sylvia Plath May-09-1980

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West of Honor Jerry Pournelle May-01-1980

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Affairs of the Heart Nora Powers May-01-1980

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Truly Bizarre Harold E. Priestly May-06-1980

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A Glass of Blessings Barbara Pym May-01-1980

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Before Death Comes Maurice Rawlings May-01-1980

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The Professor's Daughter Piers Paul Read May-01-1980

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The Last Decathlon John Redgate May-01-1980

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The Writing and Selling of Fiction Paul Revere Reynolds May-01-1980

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Amer Father William Reynolds May-01-1980

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Joshua Then and Now Mordecai Richler May-01-1980

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Dyed for Death Warrick W. Rider May-01-1980

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The Only Man in Hollywood Mark Roberts May-01-1980

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Berserker's Planet Fred Saberhagen May-01-1980

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The Anarchists' Convention & Other Stories John Sayles May-01-1980

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Rough Strife Lynne Sharon Schwartz May-01-1980

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Golden Interlude Ellen Searight May-01-1980

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Byway to Love Margaret SeBastian May-12-1980

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Stalking Tom Seligson May-06-1980

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A First Look at Whales Millicent Selsam May-01-1980

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A Glorious Third Cynthia Propper Seton May-01-1980

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Strangers, Healers Benjamin Siegel May-01-1980

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Master of Boranga Mike Sirota May-01-1980

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Appaloosa Rising: Or, the Legend of the Cowboy Buddha Gino Sky May-1980

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Little Lives John H. Spyker May-01-1980

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Golden Tide Sondra Stanford May-01-1980

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Dakota Territory Robert Steelman May-12-1980

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The Leo Man Rebecca Stratton May-01-1980

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Sensible Cecily Margaret Summerville May-01-1980

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Verdict of Thirteen Julian Symons May-12-1980

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The People Beyond the Wall Stephen Tall May-01-1980

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Bad Sisters Emma Tennant May-1980

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Chance Meeting Kay Thorpe May-01-1980

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A Confederacy of Dunces John Kenned Toole Jr. May-01-1980

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Polly Jennie Tremaine May-01-1980

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A Hunter Comes Home Ann Turner May-01-1980

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Sweet Not Always Karen Van Der Zee May-01-1980

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Rogue Ship A.E. Van Vogt May-01-1980

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Daughters of the Opal Skies Aola Vandergriff May-01-1980

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Thomasina Joan Vincent May-01-1980

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Falcon's Lair Claudette Virmonne May-01-1980

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The House in Holly Walk Dorothy Wakeley May-01-1980

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Children at the Gate Edward Lewis Wallant May-01-1980

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Starbriar Lee Wells May-06-1980

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The Twyborn Affair Patrick White May-01-1980

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Naughty Lady Ness Claudette Williams May-01-1980

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Lingard Colin Wilson May-01-1980

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Where Mountains Wait Fran Wilson May-01-1980

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Shadow of the Torturer Gene Wolfe May-01-1980

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They Stay for Death Sara Woods May-01-1980

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Remember Me When I Am Carol Beach York May-01-1980

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Splitsville Frank Baginski May-27-1980

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