TOM SWIFT AND THE VISITOR FROM PLANET X.....A BOOK FOR YOUNG BOYS. AGES 9-12. AN EXCITING READ!• This volume includes a “Detailed Biography” of our author, Edward Stratemeyer…. Under his syndicate Howard R. Garis wrote as Victor Appleton.Tom Swift Jr. and his associates at Swift Enterprises wait breathlessly for what may well be the most important scientific event in history--the arrival of the visitor from Planet X--a visitor in the form of energy. But there are factions at work determined to snatch the energy, which Tom has named Exman, from the young scientist-inventor's grasp. First, a series of unexplainable, devastating earthquakes threaten to destroy a good portion of the earth, and Tom suspects the Brungarian rebels who obviously would like to capture Exman and use the space visitor to further their own evil purposes.Looking for another good book? Just enter the name TLC BOOKS, Edited at the search box and you will be taken to our main page, where you will be able to peruse all our titles…many are Christian and Wholesome novels.