Jenna Glynn Ghost Stories is a series of short, fact-based fiction novels. Young aspiring filmmaker Jenna encounters an alcoholic former rockstar, who becomes unwittingly entangled in her first ghost-hunter documentary. This sparks a reluctant and often adversarial alliance, which continually propels them into adventures where present-day hauntings occur in the setting of historical Dallas events.
Some spirits just cannot believe that they are dead. For decades there have been paranormal sightings of the mysterious and alluring ‘Lady of the Lake', who was killed after a car crash caused her to drown in White Rock Lake almost a century ago. Separate appearances occur to both Gash and Jenna, as well as to the Glynn family's driver, Joey. Although they keep it secret from each other, these events almost derail two charitable concerts on the same night.
The promising reality star, Jenna Glynn, is contemplating the next ghost-hunting episode of her spec TV series, Celebrities Haunt Dallas. She is feeling both grateful and guilty about hijacking the paranormal skills of her reluctant sidekick, the once-famous rocker Gash Peavy, for the first two episodes at City Tavern and at the grand Adolphus Hotel. To display her gratitude, Jenna resolves to produce a comeback concert for Gash at the Corinthian Sailing Club of White Rock Lake.
Jenna aims to stifle any ghost talk, for fear that it will send Gash packing. He feels that her elegant ‘society event' setting for his CD-release concert is ostentatious and misguided. Gash decides to covertly organize his own free concert at nearby Flag Pole Hill later that same night. He recruits Glynn family staff members, Joey the limo driver and Yoshio the groundskeeper, as well as his psychiatrist Dr. Angus Glynn, to help with his surreptitious plan. Gash hopes to draw a large audience of substance-abusers and addicts, and then personally challenge them to pledge sobriety and to accept help from the various rehab services.
Lies are told, promises are broken, and the pair both vow to keep their encounters with the ‘Lady of the Lake' forever secret from each other. The result is a spooky comedy of errors, which further escalates the awkward and unrequited relationship that the two had endured in The Ghost of City Tavern and The Spirit of the Old Hotel. This unwelcome phantom, and their own devious intrigue, plunge the recalcitrant partners into deeper antipathy.