Jenna Glynn Ghost Stories is a series of short, fact-based fiction novels. Young aspiring filmmaker Jenna encounters an alcoholic former rockstar, who becomes unwittingly entangled in her first ghost-hunter documentary. This sparks a reluctant and of...
In the second book of the series, The Spirit of The Old Hotel, Jenna and Gash Peavy dubiously team up again to investigate the notorious haunting of the historic Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas. After twenty-eight days in an exclusive Dalla...
Jenna Glynn Ghost Stories is a series of short, fact-based fiction novels. Young aspiring filmmaker Jenna encounters an alcoholic former rockstar, who becomes unwittingly entangled in her first ghost-hunter documentary. This sparks a reluctant and of...
Is Galen Monroe a man on a divine mission, or simply a mentally deranged criminal? He is a homeless junkie whose domicile of choice is a cardboard box in an East Dallas alley. His requirements for living are as basic as any human that ever existed o...
Thirty year-old Jenna Glynn and forty-five year-old Clarence “Gash” Peavy have been in emotional combat since they first met at Dallas’ historically haunted bar , City Tavern. As an ambitious investigative journalist, Jenna expected that her sp...