After leaving her world aboard the Motebeam with its crew of Light Wizards, Tara returns to hunt the last great threat to the cosmos.But twenty years have passed, and she finds the world at war...The final instalment of The Symbicate, a rollicking adventure that crosses Pirates of the Caribbean with The Princess Bride in a Steampunk Assassin Saga.Two factions battle for domination: one clinging to gadgetry and symbioids—sinewy creatures that grant unique abilities—and one that hunts symbioids with dieselpunk machines.With bounties on their heads, peacemakers are hunted by the Damnator—a pirate airship led by the ruthless Captain Obsidel.As the conflict intensifies, Tara must rally her friends against the ultimate threat before it's unleashed upon the stars, all while dodging Obsidel and his crew.Can the battle-worn Symbicate keep up with this new danger, or will the young Marrow children take up the mantle?Don't miss The Bounty Wars, the epic conclusion to The Symbicate!