Under a shattered Moon, a deadly game erupts as the world's assassins vie for the ultimate payday. Embark on a high-stakes steampunk quest with the dry wit of Terry Pratchett's Discworld and the intrigue of Treasure Planet. Thomas has hunte...
In Space you can't hear them howling...When a classified Moon base sends a distress call, Kieran must face his most harrowing mission yet.A thrilling Sci-Fi Monster Romp; for fans of Aliens, Doom and Matthew Reilly's Hell Island.As a sergeant in the ...
They shattered the moon, now they're here for the world!Another high-stakes steampunk adventure, combining the dry wit of Terry Pratchett's Discworld with the intrigue of Treasure Planet!After their deadly hunt, a New Symbicate arises from the ashes,...
40,000 kilometres of sheer peril! In the shadow of a passing comet the lights flicker out, revealing a dreadful truth... it's not a comet at all... For fans of Matthew Reilly and John Scalzi, this pulse-pounding novella combines Die Hard wi...
A deadly assassin sails into the void with a crew of tenuous allies. They mean to hunt a common foe, but discover a monster of unfathomable proportions . . . Treasure Planet meets Terry Pratchett's Discworld in this action packed, humorous, thrilling...
In a world ravaged by the dead, can one Necromancer turn the tide for the living?A spell-binding quest for fans of Dungeons & Dragons and The Witcher, who enjoy Dark Fantasy with Bright aspects.As the War of the Damned rages, salvation comes in the f...
A quest to slay a dragon turns into a nightmare when the hunters are preyed upon by something far more terrifying . . .A gripping Dark Fantasy, if Predator was imagined in a world like Dungeons & Dragons and The Witcher.Prahtan—an orc huntress&...
The Knights Cosmic are the final guardians between life and darkness. But they face an unstoppable threat, one that will doom all who ever lived . . .A fantastical adventure, where Brandon Sanderson's The Stormlight Archive blends with Guardians of t...
Unfathomable Depths, Unfathomable TerrorA primeval horror lies entombed in the cold, dark depths. And the enemy is about to unleash it...A cold-sweat thrill-ride, combining the terror and action of Event Horizon, Bioshock, and Aliens.Danni is the las...
After leaving her world aboard the Motebeam with its crew of Light Wizards, Tara returns to hunt the last great threat to the cosmos.But twenty years have passed, and she finds the world at war...The final instalment of The Symbicate, a rollicking ad...