Introducing the Son of Spartapuss, in the fifth exciting Spartapuss adventure
When the Son of Spartapuss (nicknamed "SOS" for short) visits Rome, he falls in love with a female with the most beautiful name he has ever heard. He invites the fair Haireena on a date to the Emperor's unfinished Golden Palace. But things get off to a shaky start when the pair are discovered by the cruel emperor Nero, who decides that Haireena will make the perfect present for his favorite gladiator. After breaking out of Hades Row, (Rome's Worst Prison), SOS chases the gladiator only to find that he's taken Haireena on a secret mission in search of a treasure cavern at the source of the river Nile. Their journey to the Kingdom of the Kushites is full of shocks, crocs, and lots of magic, courtesy of Cleocatra's Kushion.