Historically accurate and full of enchanting wordplay, this fanciful tale set in Rome in 36 AD follows the adventures of Spartapuss, via his diary entries, as the Feline Empire falls into the hands of Emperor Tiberius' tyrannical heir, Catligula. Whe...
In the third installment of the series, six-clawed hero Spartapuss is horrified to find that the Emperor is planning an invasion of the Land of the Kitons, aka Great Britain. Clawdius, the least likely emperor in Roman history, needs to show his enem...
Part graphic novel and part adventure tale, this fantasy that takes place in the near future follows a spunky heroine living in a flooded London where rival police forces compete to keep the peace. Jemim...
The first episode of an ancient saga, from a newly discovered manuscript in an previously unknown language: Dog Viking
Banished from his homeland (for helping enemy raiders loot his chief's bone hoard), Beowuff finds himself shipwre...
Introducing the Son of Spartapuss, in the fifth exciting Spartapuss adventure
When the Son of Spartapuss (nicknamed "SOS" for short) visits Rome, he falls in love with a female with the most beautiful name he has ever heard. He invi...
A page-turning sequel to London Deep, half text and half graphic novel, set in a sinking city where two rival police forces -- kids vs adults -- compete to keep the peace
Rebellious teen Jemima Mallard has done the unthinkable. S...
Viking dog Beowuff is all bark and no bite, a disgrace to the memory of his fierce ancestors
Beowuff and his weak-witted bench-mate Arnuf find themselves washed up at the Sine Carne monastery where a peace loving order of "meatless mo...
New to Rome, the Son of Spartapuss has a lot to learn. When a mysterious stranger offers to pay his debts. He finds himself in the School for Strays, a school for gladiators. Join the Son of Spartapuss and his fiery friend Furia as they battle their ...
The Son of Spartapuss is off on a new adventure in an ancient Greece and Rome where cats rule the world and humans have never existed
Join the Son of Spartapuss and his fiery friend Furia again as they battle their way to the Olympuss Game...
Join the Son of Spartapuss and Furia on their second adventure in an ancient Greece and Rome ruled by cats
The Olympuss Games is set in anci...
Join Stephanie Pellet, the smartest guinea pig in Britain, on a time traveling journey to The Big Bang. Doctor Finklefox claims she's not mad, but she'll do anything to get her time experiment to work. She's zapped countless of guinea pigs into the d...
Books in the London Deep series are set in the future. The 'climate upgrade' failed. London is flooded. Rival police forces for kids and adults compete to keep the peace. Threadneedle is the third book in the series - although they can be read in any...