My most recent novel, "Six feet Above IV" is a sequel to "Blood Banquet III" written by myself. It is a continuance of the gruesome murders and blood sucking encounters with the general public. Interjected into the murders is a reign of terror from the vampires and zombies that are now plaguing the city. The 636,104 inhabitants of Calgary, Canada are experiencing daily exposure to a macabre band of vampires and zombies that are canvassing the city after hours. The dark, misty, eerie setting is a perfect prelude to the endless attacks that are disclosed as the vampire plot unfolds in a grotesque conclusion. The killings continue at an alarming pace and a fashion that is increasingly bizarre. The portrayal of an enigma keeps the reader uncertain as the victims make an attempt to confront the vampires from 2012 to 2015. Confrontation is not the solution as the Calgary Police Department is equally mystified. The grotesque killings are encased in mystical terror, but the remainder of the novel will take you by surprise. Read on