Unbeknownst to a populated city of twelve thousand residents, they harbor the notorious serial killer of Rockwood, Illinois. The wintry setting is only the beginning preview of the otherwise mindless, brutal killings of innocent victims in the elevat...
Unbeknown to the densely populated city of 2,866,517 people, they conceal the "Notorious Serial Killer of St. Louis, Missouri." The variety of settings are a preliminary view of the bludgeoning, carving killings of guiltless victims in and out of the...
Unbeknown to the thickly populated city of 636,104 inhabitants of Calgary, Canada, they are experiencing a daily exposure to a macabre band of vampires running rampant throughout the city. The settings are saturated with a preview of the ghastly, blo...
My most recent novel, "Six feet Above IV" is a sequel to "Blood Banquet III" written by myself. It is a continuance of the gruesome murders and blood sucking encounters with the general public. Interjected into the murders is a reign of terror from t...
My most recent novel, "The Death Chamber V" is a sequel to "Six Feet Above IV." It is a continuance of the grisly murders and blood sucking rendezvous applied to the general public. An alarming reign of terror plagues the city of Calgary, Canada from...