In the fifth book of the "Constable" series, Nicholas Rhea continues his highly popular police stories - this time with a seaside flavour. As a seasonal break from his usual village beat on the North Yorks Moors, young Police Constable Rhea finds himself involved with holiday-makers and their problems. As well as the normal seaside duties how does he cope with a man who has lost his false teeth in the sea and another who wants to give away thousands of pounds when drunk? Then there's the stray Labrador that thinks he's a police dog and accompanies police officers on night patrols, and the anxious fisherman who daren't tell his wife that he owns a racehorse. These and a galaxy of other delightful characters are encountered by our rural bobby as he goes about his business in this new environment. You'll chuckle with him as he pursues his hilarious work among the great British public.