Centered around a short story entitled “The Queen Of Crows,” this unique product was designed by author and game designer Monica Valentinelli. This is the text-based, black-and-white version of one of the first enhanced e-books to hit digital media. The full color edition was published early 2010. At a retail price of $2.99, readers will receive much more than the short story entitled THE QUEEN OF CROWS. They will also receive a professional illustration of a character named “Mahochepi,” the inspiration, a first draft and more!This product is the first digital release set in the world of the Violet War. The urban fantasy short story entitled “The Queen of Crows” takes place during the 1860s and was inspired by the historical event called “The Long Walk.” The plot focuses on the tough decisions that a Navajo elder named “Tse” must make to save his people. Will he summon Mahochepi, the Queen of Crows, without knowing who–or what–she is? Read the story and find out!Here’s what readers can expect to receive when they purchase THE QUEEN OF CROWS:* The Queen of Crows: A Short Story* Inspiration* Original Character Portrait: Mahochepi* Who Is Mahochepi?* What Is the Violet War?* Letter to the Reader* The Queen of Crows: First DraftBe sure to watch the promotional trailer on YouTube! with original music composed by James Semple. James is currently working on the soundtrack for HOUSE OF HELL.For more information about THE QUEEN OF CROWS, visit