Centered around a short story entitled “The Queen Of Crows,” this unique product was designed by author and game designer Monica Valentinelli. This is the text-based, black-and-white version of one of the first enhanced e-books to hit d...
In this dystopian science fiction story, one retired schoolteacher refuses to accept her fate. Not only has the city of New Chicago sequestered its aging population into a dingy sector called "The Gray," its young mayor has also enforced strict ru...
Who willingly walks into a haunted house?Ghost hunters explore dark places, investigate clues and uncover secrets of the dead. Evidence of an afterlife may prove elusive and few hunters recognize some things are best left buried and forgotten.Suspens...
Upside Down: Inverted Tropes in Storytelling is an anthology of short stories, poetry, and essays edited by Monica Valentinelli and Jaym Gates. Over two dozen authors, ranging from NYT-bestsellers and award winners to debut writers, chose a tired tro...
The Firefly Encyclopedia is a lavish guide to Joss Whedon's much-loved creation. The book includes a detailed timeline of events, in-depth character studies from Badger to Zoe, a guide to the science of the show, and sections of script with accompany...