With a jealous admirer and a bitter, powerful mother plotting behind his back, Habaek's controversial decision to return Soah to his magical kingdom has the elemental gods and goddesses in an uproar. Habaek, the moody water god who rescued Soah's village from famine and drought, is also dealing with a curse that turns him into a child during the day and reverts him to his true adult form at night. While some of the inhabitants of his domain are friendly to his human bride - and some are a bit too friendly - Habaek has kept his curse secret from Soah, who's become completely confused by all the attention and resentment her presence brings! When night falls, Habaek pretends to be the aloof, handsome god, Mui, whose irresistible charisma and flirtations with Soah have her thinking that she's about ready to cheat on her immature spouse. It may be about time for Habaek/Mui to come clean! And who's really responsible for the death of his previous human bride?